Focus Areas and Services
Eine Person zeigt mit dem Finger auf eine Weltkarte.

Every person brings many different facets to the table: background, age, body shape, ethnicity, and more. We value and protect this individuality with an important message: You belong here. And we demonstrate that despite many differences, there is one thing that unites us all: we are part of Heilbronn University and share a part of our journey together. That’s why we strive to create a world-open, aware, and protected university environment where everyone feels seen and valued.

Kinder am Campus

We take care of you, so you can take care of others. Family equity is a particularly important concern for us. Here you will find our services for students and employees with caregiving responsibilities.

Eine Person übergibt einer anderen einen Flyer mit der Aufschrift "Was tun bei Diskriminierung, Belästigung, Stalking und Mobbing?"

A respectful, discrimination-sensitive environment is the foundation of our collaborative work and learning. We offer comprehensive support for those affected by discrimination and bullying.

Teilnehmende des Förderprogrammes WoMent sitzen am Bildungscampus auf einer Treppe und hören bei spannenden Vorträgen zu.

We are committed to gender equality and are proud to be recognised for our efforts. As a university with a strong focus on equality, we offer a comprehensive range of services to support the career development of women*.

Das Bild zeigt den Handlauf in der LIV mit der Beschriftung der Etage in Braille.

At HHN, we believe that individual needs should not be an obstacle to your academic success. We are here to remove barriers—both on campus and in people's minds.

Jemand läuft mit einer Regenbogenfahne einen Weg entlang.

HHN is committed to gender diversity and aims to meet the needs of trans*, inter*, non-binary, and queer students as effectively as possible. To achieve this, we raise awareness, offer contact persons and create protected spaces to make querness more visible and to talk about experience.

Foto von Spielsachen im Eltern-Kind-Raum.

People of many religions and world views come together at HHN, as do those who are not affiliated with any religion. We aim to create an open and safe teaching, learning and working environment for all our members. That is why we foster exchange between the various contact points and networks and offer interdenominational spaces of silence and encounter at all four locations.

That is behind us

Diversity Day 2024

For the second time: HHN marked the 12th German Diversity Day on four action days in May and June 2024.

To the review

Interview-Reihe "Frauen in der Wissenschaft"

Wissenschaftlerinnen der HHN stellen sich vor, geben Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und machen Lust auf eine wissenschaftliche Karriere.

Zu den Interviews

Diversity Day 2023

The start of a new tradition: HHN celebrated German Diversity Day 2023 for the first time with two major days of action.

To the review