Process for Changing Record of Name and Sex

HHN is committed to addressing the needs of trans*, inter*, non-binary, and queer students as effectively as possible. 
If you have questions regarding the change in your record of name or sex that cannot be resolved through the outlined procedure, or if you have any other related inquiries, please reach out to the contact persons listed below or to the Department for Equality and Diversity.
Regebogenbeflaggung am Campus Künzelsau

The process for changing record of (first) names and/or sex for students proceeds as follows:


To apply for a change in the record of name and/or sex, the student must either provide relevant documentation (e.g., a copy of the new ID card or a document certified by the civil registry) or complete the application form as self-disclosure.

The form must be confirmed for accuracy with a digital or handwritten signature.


The change can be carried out independently through the eCampus/HISinOne portal under 'My Studies' -> 'Applications' -> 'Change Personal Data.' There, the student can modify the following information:

  • First name
  • Gender entry
  • Component of the last name/family name

For changes to the first name, record of sex, and/or last name, a separate application must be submitted through the eCampus platform. With each application, the corresponding proof or the linked HHN application form must be uploaded. The university accepts the application form as self-disclosure, allowing students to be recorded under their preferred name and/or gender entry even before the official change.

If preferred , the passport photo stored in the system for the student ID card can also be updated. This can be done concurrently with an application in eCampus under 'Other Documents' and should be noted in the comments section with, for example, 'Please update passport photo.'


Two weeks after submitting the application in eCampus, it is advisable to check whether the changes have been implemented. Once the changes have Website der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e. V. (dgti)been made, students have the following options: 

  • Requesting a new student ID card independently from their respective Student Affairs Office, following the same procedure as in the case of a lost card.
  • Students at the Bildungscampus should apply for the new student ID card through the Payment Portal, following the same procedure as in the case of a lost card.
  • Previously issued documents (e.g., already awarded bachelor's certificates) can be reissued through an informal request to the respective contact person at the Examination Office (contacts).

Further Links

To avoid problems with identity checks on public transport, we recommend that students also apply for a "Ergänzungsausweis" (supplementary ID) from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e. V. (dgti).

More Informationen

In addition to trans*, inter*, non-binary, and queer students, the following reasons can also be decisive for a name change and can therefore be considered using the form:

  • First names that sound ridiculous or offensive.
  • Incorrectly registered first names (e.g., due to faulty translation into German).
  • A name that leads to other forms of discrimination.
  • First names that trigger mental health issues.
  • Multiple first names, some of which are unwanted.
  • Difficult spelling or pronunciation of the name.

These cases are regulated under the Namensänderungsgesetz and, while they may seem less obstructive at first glance than, for example, the application of the Transsexual Act, can still take a considerable amount of time and create additional psychological pressure for those affected.