Before applying to HHN, non-German school leaving certificates need to be declared equivalent to a German school leaving certificate. You need a recognition of certificates. Check below for the category that applies to you.
Applicants with international certificates must first get their certificates recognised by the Center for International Students Konstanz.
Attention: You need to get your documents certified by a German Embassy and then send them in paper form via letter to Konstanz in Germany. Once they are received, the process takes about 3 to 5 weeks. Get started as soon as possible! Recommended deadline: June 1st for winter term / November 1st for summer term
You will be excluded from consideration for a place in the study programme if you cannot provide the recognition of certificates by the application deadline!
Learn more about the recognition process in this video:
For study applications from China, Vietnam or India, the original certificate confirming the authenticity of their documents or the original certificate from the Academic Evaluation Center / "Akademische Prüfstelle (APS)" must be enclosed.
Further information can be obtained from the Academic Evaluation Centers:
Deutsche Schulen (German schools) outside of Germany that are accredited by the Kultusministerkonferenz and have the full rights to award the German Abitur issue valid university entrance qualifications for studying in Germany. Graduates from these schools can apply directly to HHN. Recognition of the university entrance qualification (HZB) and proof of German language skills are not required.
International applicants for the study programme Medical Informatics ("Medizinische Informatik") do not need to get their certificates recognized at the Center for International Students in Konstanz.
For German nationals who have completed their Abitur abroad, who still reside abroad and would like to study in Baden-Württemberg, or who have acquired a higher education entrance qualification abroad and are resident in Baden-Württemberg, the higher education entrance qualification is recognized by the
Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Abteilung 7 Schule und Bildung
- Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle –
Postfach 10 36 42
70031 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711 904-40700
If you live in another federal state, the certificate recognition office of this federal state is responsible.
A proof of sufficient language skills is required for most study programmes at HHN.
Find your study programme in the overview and check the required language level and certificate here:
Does your study programme have restricted admission or can you enrol directly? Check the deadlines and learn more about the necessary steps:
For study programmes with restricted admission only a limited number of students can be accepted. In this case, you must first apply to the study programme. Applicants are then ranked on the basis of selection criteria. Successful candidates will receive an admission offer.
For the registration you have to fill in your personal data. After that you will receive an applicant identification number (BID) and the corresponding applicant authorization number (BAN). You must then insert these numbers when applying to HHN. Start here:
2a: Registration
At, you have received your BID and BAN. This is needed for the registration at the eCampus Portal of HHN. Your data will then be transferred automatically from You will receive a confirmation e-mail.
2b: Online application
Now you need to apply via the online application portal of HHN. You can apply for a maximum of 3 Bachelor's degree programmes at HHN. The number of your applications has no negative effect on each individual application.
After you have completed the online application, you have to print or save the document "Application request" from the portal (eCampus) and submit the signed form with all necessary application documents to HHN.
You can either send your complete documents by email as one PDF attachment to the address
or in paper form to
Heilbronn University of Applied Science
Registration Office
Max-Planck-Strasse 39
D-74081 Heilbronn
Please note:
Check the status via eCampus. If there are missing documents, you will find a note.
You can get an overview of all of your applications on Please note that changes on are displayed with a time delay.
After the application deadline:
Important: You can only accept one admission offer. If an admission offer is accepted, all further applications are rejected automatically from the procedure. Vacant study places will then be made available to new students.
Within the deadline specified in the admission letter, you must register online on eCampus using the link below.
Then you can submit the enrolment documents either by post or in person to HHN within the period stipulated in the admission letter.
If you are not present at this time, the enrolment can be carried out by a person authorized by you. In this case, you will need the power of attorney.
After enrolment, you will be a student of HHN. Congrats!
Please get in contact with a German statutory health insurance. If you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or similar, you just need an insurance confirmation. If you are coming from outside of the European Union, you need to be insured by a German provider from September 1st / March 1st.
In any case, the insurance confirmation will be digitally transmitted from the health insurance company, usually by the next working day. To make this possible, you must provide the health insurance company with the sender number of HHN.
Sender number of HHN: H0000366
International students from NON-EU/-EAA countries have to pay a tuition fee of EUR 1.500 per semester.
You may have the opportunitiy to receive financial support from federal goverment, private sponsors or obtain a grant from company.
For study programmes with direct enrolment there is no maximum number of applicants that can be accepted. Applicants who fulfil the general admission requirements can therefore enrol directly.
After you have completed the online application, you have to print or save the document "Application request" from the portal (eCampus) and submit the signed form with all necessary application documents to HHN.
You can either send your complete documents by email as one PDF attachment to the address
or in paper form to
Heilbronn University of Applied Science
Registration Office
Max-Planck-Strasse 39
D-74081 Heilbronn
Please note:
Within the deadline specified in the admission letter, you must complete your online enrolment on eCampus using the link below.
Submit the signed enrolment form either by post or in person to HHN within the period stipulated in the admission letter.
If you are not present at this time, the enrolment can be carried out by a person authorized by you. In this case, you will need the power of attorney.
After enrolment, you will be a student of HHN. Congrats!
Please note: Once enrolled, this can only be withdrawn via the Registration Office. Enrolment is only possible in one degree programme.
Please get in contact with a German statutory health insurance. If you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or similar, you just need an insurance confirmation. If you are coming from outside of the European Union, you need to be insured by a German provider from September 1st / March 1st.
In any case, the insurance confirmation will be digitally transmitted from the health insurance company, usually by the next working day. To make this possible, you must provide the health insurance company with the sender number of HHN.
Sender number of HHN: H0000366
International students from NON-EU/-EAA countries have to pay a tuition fee of EUR 1.500 per semester.
You may have the opportunitiy to receive financial support from federal goverment, private sponsors or obtain a grant from company.
An interesting time lies ahead of you - get ready for your time in Germany: What are the next steps?
Read through our guidelines for international students for all the information for your stay in Germany.
Some things can even be done before you recieve your letter of admission. Check now to get ahead!
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