Guidelines for International Applicants and Admitted Degree-Seeking Students

Welcome to Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences! We are delighted that you have decided to complete your studies with us!

Even if you have not yet received a letter of admission, you can already inform yourself about the following tips to ensure a smooth start of your studies in case of admission.

These giudelines give you an overview of the most important steps that can be taken during the application phase to ensure that both the move to Germany and the start of your studies are as successful as possible.

Check whether your application documents are complete

Von der Theorie in die Praxis mit den Angewandten Studien.

The eCampus-platform will show you whether your application is complete or whether certain documents still need to be submitted. 

If you have any questions about application documents, please get in touch with your contact person at the Registration Office.

Apply for an accommodation

Eine Studentin sitzt in einem Zimmer inmitten von Umzugskisten.

Heilbronn University does not allocate places in the student residences. Students must apply for accommodation themselves. 

It is possible to apply for a place in the student residences of the Studierendenwerk in Heilbronn without a letter of admission. The earlier you apply, the better your chances of getting a place.

Check visa requirements and entry regulations

Junge Frau mit Kopfhörer und Handy hört die Podcast-Serie Zukunft Studium

It is advisable to find out about entry regulations, visa requirements and booking appointments as early as possible - preferably before the application deadline.

Please note that appointments to apply for a visa at German diplomatic missions abroad can be fully booked many months in advance. Please remember to book an appointment as soon as possible.

Enrolment & health insurance

Mann am Laptop, Titel: Karriereboost Online

Have you received a letter of admission to study at HHN? Congratulations! Now you have to accept the programme offer and enrol. 

Please note that proof of sufficient health insurance cover is required for enrolment. Please first find out about health insurance options in Germany.

Preparing for your studies

Das Foto zeigt einen Tafelausschnitt. Auf diesem ist mit weißer Kreide eine Treppe, eine Person gemalt. Auf der letzten Stufe steht What's next?

Once you have enrolled, you are officially a student at Heilbronn University. Congratulations and welcome to HHN! 

International Student Support will be happy to assist you before and during your stay at Heilbronn University.

Contact persons for international degree-seeking students