International Student Support

The International Student Support assists international degree-seeking students at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.

Services for international students:

  • Pre-arrival support
  • Advice on finding accommodation
  • Consultancy on formalities after arrival
  • Support with residence registration and applying for a residence permit
  • Individual assistance with personal questions
  • Advice on other suitable programmes and services on campus
International Student Support

Important information for international students in our Ilias-course:

Are you an international student interested in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at HHN?

Von der Theorie in die Praxis mit den Angewandten Studien.

Are you an international student who has been admitted to a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at HHN?

Das Foto zeigt einen Tafelausschnitt. Auf diesem ist mit weißer Kreide eine Treppe, eine Person gemalt. Auf der letzten Stufe steht What's next?