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Industrial Engineering and Management

1 degree programme, many opportunities! The practice-orientated degree course in engineering, computer science and management offers security and flexibility when choosing a career, including for setting up a company.

Enrol now!
Frauke Seemann, Graduate, Consultant P3 Group GmbH

An increasingly complex working world, shorter innovation cycles and the merging of technology and economics require experts who can operate confidently in all fields. The degree course prepares students optimally for these challenges. The informal atmosphere at the Künzelsau campus also enables individual support and good communication with lecturers and professors

Frauke Seemann, Graduate, Consultant P3 Group GmbH


Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
7 Semester: 210 ECTS
Language: German
Location: Künzelsau
Study form: Full-time / with training
Start: Summer term & Winter term
enrol until: March 13 & September 25
International Student Support

Incoming Students

Take the opportunity to study for a semester at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences at the campus Künzelsau. You will appreciate the familiar atmosphere of our campus in the valley of the Kocher river, the personal support, the short distances and the open doors.

Study programme

In seven semesters, you will acquire extensive knowledge from the relevant fields of engineering, business administration and applied computer science. You will also acquire important key qualifications such as social and language skills, communication and teamwork skills. We teach you the content in a practical way in lectures, laboratories, projects and on excursions to successful international companies.

You will spend the entire 5th semester in a company of your choice, gaining practical experience in exciting projects and making initial contacts for the start of your career.

After the practical semester, you decide on a future-oriented specialisation in the 6th semester and choose your favourite from our technical or business management specialisations (see below).

Experience abroad

You have the opportunity to complete a double degree with the Tec de Monterrey in Mexico or to spend a semester at one of our renowned partner universities, e.g. in China, Mexico, Great Britain or Austria. The practical semester or the Bachelor's thesis can also be completed abroad.

Key aspects

It's up to you! In the 6th semester, you decide on the content of your degree programme by choosing one of our three specialisations:

Industrial goods marketing deals with the purchase and sale of goods or services to companies. In contrast to consumer goods marketing, the challenges here lie in the smaller number of customers, the size of the deals, the higher technical level and the frequency of customised products. The products are generally complex and require explanation and the motivation to buy is always benefit-orientated based on commercial and engineering considerations.

Purchasing is of strategic importance today. It is globally oriented and organised in buying centres. In addition to technical expertise and negotiation techniques, this also requires a great deal of social and intercultural competence on the sales side.

In addition to their purchasing and sales tasks, technical buyers and sales engineers are important contacts for the development department, product management and company management.

Corporate management is a central management task in order to plan and ensure the success of a company. To achieve this, specific and measurable goals must be defined and regularly reviewed. This is where controlling comes into play as an important part of corporate management. Its task is to provide business information that makes it possible to plan and control the company's goals.

The UC specialisation teaches the procedures for planning and controlling company units (operational controlling) and the company as a whole (strategic controlling).

Graduates are thus qualified to take on demanding tasks in corporate planning, market-orientated corporate management, corporate controlling and finance and accounting.

Today, production processes are being increasingly automated and networked with logistical processes from purchasing to production and distribution (Smart Factory) under the name Industry 4.0.

In the Information and Communication Technology in Production specialisation, important communication technologies such as wireless communication (WLAN) and field buses are studied in depth in lectures and laboratory exercises. On the other hand, important components for the automation of material flow systems are presented in courses on sensor technology as well as drive and robot technology.

In this way, future industrial engineers are prepared for the planning and realisation of projects in the context of Industry 4.0.

Why Industrial Engineering and Management?

There are over 9,000 Bachelor's degree programmes* in Germany - it's not easy to make the right decision for the future now!

So why ‘Industrial Engineering’ of all things and why with us?

1. Pretty good job prospects!

Industrial Engineering and Management is a well-known and highly regarded degree programme in companies. Not only in Germany, but also internationally, this renowned degree programme has an excellent reputation.

With our degree programme, you do not commit yourself to one economic sector or industry during your studies. On the contrary! The ongoing technological change is constantly leading to new professional fields and work content. This opens up exciting opportunities for our graduates. They are flexible in their areas of work and, with their interdisciplinary knowledge, are ideally prepared to help shape the digital transformation in companies.

Our graduates can be found in almost all areas of the company, but particularly in the following professional fields:

  • Project management
  • Technical purchasing
  • Sales and marketing of technical product
  • Company management
  • controlling
  • Innovation and change management
  • Production
  • Quality assurance
  • Procurement & Logistics
  • As the founder of your own company

    * Source: de.statista.com / 2022

Would you like to start your own business after graduation? With our entrepreneurship elective, you have the opportunity to prepare more intensively for an entrepreneurial activity during your studies.

The Digital Hub Heilbronn-Franken located on our campus and the university's own start-up centre offer you support for your start-up STARTKLAR.

2. We love knowledge. But so do skills!
The project lab is just one of many examples of the strong practical orientation of our degree programme. Here you found a start-up, build a prototype, create a business plan and have to convince potential investors of your business idea with your team in an exciting final.

Find out more in the video!

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Study programme

  • Informatik
  • Mathematik
  • Physik
  • Elektrotechnik
  • Technische Mechanik
  • Allgemeine BWL
  • Informatik
  • Mathematik
  • Physik mit Labor
  • Technische Mechanik
  • Rechnungswesen
  • Recht
  • Studium Generale
Vertiefung 1
  • Elektronik und Messtechnik mit Labor
  • Konstruktion und CAD am PC
  • Statistik
  • Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
  • Rhetorik und Präsentationstechnik
  • Englisch für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
  • Ethik
Vertiefung 1
  • Werkstoffkundelabor
  • Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik mit Labor
  • Marketing
  • Investition und Finanzierung
  • Planspiel Unternehmensführung als Simulation am PC
  • Produktionsmanagement
  • Fertigungsverfahren mit Labor
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
  • Praktikantenkolloquium Teil 1
  • Kommunikation in Unternehmen
  • In einem Unternehmen Ihrer Wahl
  • Bei Interesse im Ausland möglich (Bewerbungsprozess beginnt ca. 1 Jahr vor Beginn des Auslandssemesters)
  • Stellenangebote für WI gibt es in ILIAS
  • Mögliche Unternehmen finden Sie in unserer Broschüre Praxis im Studium WI
Vertiefung 2, Schwerpunkt und Wahlfach
  • Beschaffung und Logistik
  • Projektmanagement
  • Werkstoffkunde
  • Praktikantenkolloquium Teil 2
  • Einer von drei Schwerpunkten:
    • Betriebswirtschaftlich:
      • Technischer Einkauf und Vertriebsmanagement (TEV)
      • Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling (UC)
    • Ingenieurwissenschaftlich:
      • Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik in der Produktion (IKP)
  • Eines von drei Wahlpflichtfächern:
    • Fortschrittliche Werkstoffe und Fertigungstechniken
    • Modellierung und Simulation technischer Systeme
Vertiefung 2, Schwerpunkt und Wahlbereich
  • Integratives Projektlabor
  • Qualitätsmanagement
  • Fortsetzung des gewählten Schwerpunktes
  • Eines der beiden Wahlpflichtbereiche:
    • Technisches Produktmanagement
      • Vorgehensmodelle und Entwicklungstechniken
      • Produktdesign
      • Ressourceneffizientes Design
    • Unternehmertum
      • Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten: Marktgespür, Innovationsfähikgeit und Umsetzungswillen
      • eChallenges: Digitale Wirtschaft und digitales Arbeiten
      • Ungewissheit: Robuste Entscheidungen und kalkuliertes Risiko

Would you like to work with a company and earn money during your studies? Here you go!

Co-operative study model TRAINING + studies

Ein Student und eine Studentin arbeiten an einer Abfüllmaschine.


  • 2 recognised qualifications in one compact training and study unit

  • Practical experience in the company

  •  Regular remuneration for the entire duration of your training and studies

  • o need to look for working student jobs, holiday jobs, internship semesters and bachelor's theses

  • Work experience already at the end of the degree programme

Studium mit vertiefter Praxis ARBEITEN + Studium

Abgebildet ist eine Gruppenarbeit mit 5 Studierenden, die an einem Laptop arbeiten und in einem Labor sitzen


  • Practical experience in the company

  • Regular remuneration for the entire duration of the training and study programme

  • Opportunity to organise your time flexibly

  • No need to look for working student jobs, holiday jobs, internship semesters and bachelor's theses

  • Work experience already at the end of the degree programme

Events & News

Studieren im Ausland

Study abroad

Nowadays, international experience is an important criterion for many companies when selecting applicants.
Several places at partner universities are currently available for students on the Industrial Engineering and Management degree programme via the Erasmus+ programme.

Mehr Informationen
Studenten sitzen in Hörsaal

Student for a Day

Studying? How does that work?

Try it out and become a STUDENT FOR A DAY. Accompany a student on a technical degree programme of your choice through everyday university life.

Lectures, labs, a tour of the campus and a meal together in the canteen are part of the programme.

Mehr Informationen
Business Engineering Logistics ist ein durch Acquin akkreditierter Studiengang
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