
Logo Deutschlandstipendium


Financial support from the federal government and private sponsors

Junger Mann gibt Unternehmensvertreter die Hand.

Corporate Scholarship

Grant from a company

Eine junge Frau pustet auf ein Miniatur-Windrad
HHN Stipendium Grüne Zukunft

Financial support from private sponsors

Taschenrechner und Geldscheine

Further attractive offers

Financial support through foundations and other scholarships

Collage mit Hochschulgebäude, grüner Wiese, Studierenden, Geldmünzen und der Künzelsauer Campuskuh Künni

Scholarship "Engineering Studies with World Market Leaders"

Financial support from private sponsors

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Ukrainische Flagge

Scholarship for students from Ukraine

Funds from the DAAD scholarship program "Future Ukraine" 

Scholarships enable financial support during the studies. Support is provided by gifted scholarships and private foundations. The awarding of scholarships is based on the criteria of the church, political party, trade union or state institutions.