Queer at HHN

At Heilbronn University, we aspire to create an environment characterized by diversity, openness, and inclusion. We are committed to ensuring that every student feels respected, accepted, and valued. This commitment extends to our LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and all members of our diverse community. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.

This webpage serves as a comprehensive resource, offering insights into our various initiatives designed for queer students, upcoming inspirational events, and accessible counselling services, and much more. Whether you identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community or are an advocate for an inclusive society, here you will find information and resources to enrich and support queer life at our university.


AStA-Logo der HHN

LGBTQIA+ Group of the AStA [Link not available yet]

Das Foto zeigt einen faltbaren Bollerwagen, der mit verschiedenen Gegenständen beladen ist, darunter bunte Blumenketten, blaue Plastiktüten und zwei Regenbogenflaggen. Vor dem Wagen steht ein Pappschild mit der Aufschrift "Die Zeiten gendern sich" in bunten Buchstaben. Auf dem Schild befinden sich mehrere Aufkleber, darunter einer mit dem Logo "CSD Heilbronn" und einem Regenbogenmotiv.

The glossary of diversity explains terms and concepts relating to gender diversity, sexual orientation and different dimensions of discrimination. Currently only available in German.

You can now change your record of name and/or sex online.

Eine Person übergibt einer anderen einen Flyer mit der Aufschrift "Was tun bei Diskriminierung, Belästigung, Stalking und Mobbing?"

At HHN, you can find confidential counselling and support in case of discrimination and bullying.

Upcoming Events

Am oberen Bildrand sind bunte Farbkleckse, die ins Innere des Bildes ragen. Unten sind Gebäude der 4 Standorte der Hochschule Heilbronn nebeneinander abgebildet.

Aktionen zum Diversity Day an der Hochschule Heilbronn

Am 27. Mai wird der Diversity Day 2025 gefeiert! Das Referat für Gleichstellung und Diversität der Hochschule Heilbronn wird hierfür an mehreren Standorten sein, ein Programm dafür wird hier bald veröffentlicht. Die Termine sind wie folgt: 22. Mai in Künzelsau und Schwäbisch Hall 27. Mai am Bildungscampus 28. Mai am TechCampus
to event


Das Bild zeigt einen Stand des Diversity Day. An diesem werden Plakate für eine Demo beim CSD bemalt.

Diversity Day 2024

Heilbronn University (HHN) organised four days of diversity events in celebration of the German Diversity Day 2024. Between May and June, university members and interested individuals from the region could participate in a diverse range of activities. One of the highlights: The Department for Equity and Diversity presented the results of the campus-wide diversity survey for the first time.

Diversity Calendar 2024

The Diversity Calendar for 2024 can be downloaded here.

Mittig steht in weißer Schrift "Du bist hier richtig!" und darunter "Diversity Day 2023 an der HHN". Darunter sind Gebäude der 4 Standorte der Hochschule Heilbronn abgebildet. Im Hintergrund sind bunte Farbkleckse, die sowohl über die Gebäude hinaus nach oben als auch hinter der Schrift sind. Links unten steht der Hashtag #VielfaltVerbindet

Diversity Day 2023

On Diversity Day 2023, visitors had the opportunity to learn more about various topics, including queer issues. Simultaneously, several initiatives were undertaken to expand the visibility of queer topics.

Photographer: Natalie Emilia Pflaumbaum

Diversity Day 2023: Photography Project

Under the guidance of political educator and photographer  Sara Sun Hee Martischius and diversity adviser Yvonne Tang, the photography project for students was created. This was offered as a course in the General Studies program in the summer semester of 2023. 

Participants in the course share their own perspectives, question existing viewpoints, and use photography as a means of empowerment.

Diversity Calendar 2023

Together with attendees of Diversity Day 2023, we have created a Diversity Calendar. The Diversity Calendar for 2023 can be downloaded here.

In the German language, as in many other languages, gender plays a significant role in grammar and word forms. Nouns, pronouns, and adjectives are often gendered as masculine, feminine, or neuter. This gendered language can have exclusionary effects and reinforce gender stereotypes.

Therefore, in communication, HHN has chosen to use gender-inclusive language with the gender asterisk (*) in German.

 You can finde more information here.

As a university group at the first major CSD Heilbronn

On 29th June 2024, HHN participated in the first Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Heilbronn. The Department for Equity and Diversity and the AStA Department for Equality and Student Affairs, along with over 30 interested members of the university, joined in and marched together.

Fahnenmaste am Campus Sontheim mit zwei HHN-Flaggen und einer Regenbogenfahne.

Rainbow Flag Display 

Since May 23, 2023, all our campuses have proudly displayed a rainbow flag, or at the educational campus, an HHN flag in a rainbow design. This gesture symbolizes our commitment to diversity, tolerance, and solidarity.

What began as an initiative by the AStA (General Students' Committee) during Pride Month in 2022, with a donation of rainbow flags, has been continued by the Equality and Diversity Unit. As of the summer of 2023, it has also gained the support and endorsement of the university management.

Türschild für die Toilette für alle

Toilet for all / Unisex toilet 

At the Sontheim campus, there is a unisex toilet. The toilet for all can be found in building A on the 5th floor, room A518/519.

Site plan campus Sontheim

Toilette für Alle am Bildungscampus T.0.25

Toilet for all / Unisex toilet 

At the Sontheim campus, there is a unisex toilet. The toilet for all can be found in building T (building 14) on the groundfloor, room T.0.25.

Site plan Bildungscampus

Further external Links

On the website of the Network LSBTTIQ Baden-Württemberg e.V., you can find member organizations of the LSBTTIQ network that offer counseling or self-help services. While the linked page focuses on refugees, there are several organisations offering help to everyone.

Handbook germany is a project by neue deutsche medienmacher*innen  and is supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Homeland, as well as the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration, and the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Anti-Racism. Here you can find information in Arabic, English, French, Pashto, Persian, Russian, Turkish, and Ukrainian.