Students with caring responsibilities

Students may also find themselves in the situation of having to support and care for close relatives during their studies. These changes can lead to limitations in the course of their studies. For this reason there are special rules to support students in this situation.

While caring for close relatives, you are entitled to up to 6 semesters of leave in a special form of leave of absence. Further information can be found here.

Die Pflegelotsin Birgit Englert steht Ihnen nach Terminvereinbarung gerne für ein persönliches Gespräch zur Verfügung.

To help you cope with life and conflicts, you can seek counselling from the university chaplains or the psychosocial counselling service of the Heidelberg Student Union.

Students at HHN, DHBW, TUM are eligible to apply if they fulfil one of the following requirements, which must be proven in a suitable form:  

  • Walking disability (G or aG note)
  • Care of family members in need of care or care of children up to and including 10 years of age
  • Volunteer helpers in civil protection services (fire brigade, THW, etc.) who have to provide services on call
  • Unfavourable connections between home and the Bildungscampus by public transport.

Please send the completed application form by e-mail to

Please submit the application no later than 2 weeks after the start of lectures.