Leave of absence

A leave of absence from your studies is possible due to

  • a prolonged illness.
  • the need for care of a family member.
  • the forthcoming birth and subsequent care of the child as well as parental leave.
  • the start of a practical activity that serves the study goal.
  • exam preparation.
  • other important reasons.

    As a rule, the period of leave of absence should not exceed two semesters.
    Different regulations apply to childcare or the care of close relatives. Please contact the family service at Heilbronn University, familie@hs-heilbronn.de.

    Please fill out the application for leave of absence, sign it from the dean of studies and the head of the academic department, and hand it in to the student secretariat. The application for leave of absence should be submitted before the start of lectures.

MI: Students of medical informatics please also submit 2 copies of the application for leave of absence for the University of Heidelberg.

Important information on examination law:
- Leave of absence during the internship semester is not possible.
- Examination participation in courses during the semester
semester is only possible in courses in which a failed attempt has already been
has already been failed.