Intelligent Systems
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the field of Artificial Intelligence, encompassing various aspects of AI and its applications. Throughout the course, students are exposed to a diverse range of lecture units that provide a solid foundation and practical insights into intelligent systems. Students learn about various learning paradigms, such as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, and discover how these methods can be applied in real-world scenarios. Additionally, students delve into techniques for data collection, processing, and analysis. They gain insights into the challenges associated with acquiring high-quality and diverse data, and explore strategies for effective data management and preprocessing. Finally, the course addresses the challenges and ethical implications associated with the AI revolution. Students critically analyze the societal impacts, biases, privacy concerns, and ethical dilemmas arising from the widespread adoption of AI technologies.
Deep Learning
This course provides a technical appoach to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Students explore advanced neural networks and their applications in Computer Vision, Sequential Data Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Generative Models, and Reinforcement Learning. Through practical programming assignments, students gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge Deep Learning frameworks and datasets. They learn to analyze data, implement sophisticated predictive models, evaluate performance, identify areas for improvement, and fine-tune models for optimal results. The course emphasizes leveraging cutting-edge techniques and translating them into practical applications. By the course's conclusion, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively apply Deep Learning techniques to real-world problems, contributing to the ongoing advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Machine Learning
This course provides a comprehensive study of the field of "Machine Learning" equipping students with the knowledge and skills to effectively leverage related techniques. Topics covered include regression, classification, document retrieval , clustering, recommender systems and dimensionality reduction. Students learn about feature selection, dataset preprocessing, cross-validation techniques, regularization techniques, overfitting prevention, proper evaluation and assessment of machine learning models as well as scaling machine learning to large datasets. The course addresses: Decision Trees, Boosting, Principal Component Analysis , Stochastic Gradient Descent, Nearest Neighbor Search, K-Means, Mixture Models, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Principal Component Analysis etc. By course completion, students possess a comprehensive understanding of machine learning principles and algorithms,
Data Science Lab
Through practical exercises, students gain hands-on experience implementing and evaluating machine learning models enabling them to apply machine learning techniques to real-world problems.
Available topics for Bachelor/Master Thesis:
List of supervised theses
Doctor in Computer Sciences
International Activities
Research Work
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