Study and examination regulations (SPO) are statutes of the university that have to be formally approved by the Senate and that require the approval of the Rector.
All those involved (professors, administration and students) are bound by the regulations made in the SPO. Deviations from the regulations of the SPO are fundamentally illegal and therefore inadmissible.
The SPOs of Heilbronn University are divided into a general part and a special part. Separate examination regulations apply to the medical informatics courses (MIB und MIM).
The general part contains provisions that regulate issues that are binding for all degree programs. They apply to all courses of study and make provisions on key issues such as
The special part includes the special regulations applicable to the respective degree programs. This regulates the curriculum required for the individual courses and the specific examination (preliminary) performances to be performed.
You can find the special part of your SPO in the respective course in the portal for "prospective students" under "Course documents".
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