Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK)

Kajaani, Finland
Empfohlene Studiengänge: TM, HM, WMM, IBIS, IBO

About the University

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) is a proactive, genuinely international university in central Finland with a very strong reputation regionally and nationally. We are a vibrant international learning and development community, consisting of approximately 2000 students and 230 experts, operating in our own compact campus area nestled within Kajaani’s stunning natural surroundings.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of the famous Finnish education, you can choose to study International Business, Sports and Leisure Management or Tourism at KAMK.

Studies at KAMK are a practical-oriented alternative to traditional university education and give students an excellent combination of hands-on skills, alongside strong theoretical knowledge. Studies provide professional higher education readying our students for working life and supporting their professional development.

For several years in a row, we have been recognized as being among the top universities of applied sciences in Finland to offer high quality education and student guidance (source: Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland). In addition, based on student feedback, the student satisfaction is the highest in Finland at KAMK. Our lecturers approach each student as an individual, helping them to identify and develop their personal areas of expertise. The studies focus on practically integrating education with real working life, and train new professionals in response to current labor market needs.

About the Location

Kajaani is the regional centre of Kainuu, with a population of almost 38 000. Despite its small size, the city is a vibrant place where you can get a big boost for both your current and future career. In Kajaani, everything is close by: cafes, museums, theatre, a water fitness centre, as well as special stores for fashion, beauty and leisure.

Stunning natural surroundings in Kajaani and in Kainuu in general, offers perfect atmosphere for outdoor activities. Interesting natural trails nearby Kajaani can be found from Visit Kajaani, www.visitkajaani.fi/en/home/

Kajaani is located on the east side of Lake Oulujärvi, by River Kajaaninjoki, in the Kainuu region.

Kajaani offers also interesting experiences for culture lovers: from the city center you can find movie theater, library and new swimming hall Kaukavesi.

You can get acquainted with versatile activities Kajaani has to offer for example from KM website www.kamk.fi/en/Students/Leisure-Activities

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Important  Information for Studying at this Partner University

Language(s) of Instruction: English, Finish

Semester Dates: Winter Semester: August - December/ Summer Semester: January- May

Course Offerings: https://www.kamk.fi/en/Internationality/Exchange-students/Courses-taught-in-English-

Costs: There are no additional tuition costs for studying at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.  Additional costs that must be considered are accommodations, meals, and cost of living.

Exchange Places: 2

Impressoin studentisches Leben. Studentin sitzt mit Getränk in der Sonne

Student Life

Student Housing: A local company called Kajaanin Pietari provides accommodation for students in Kajaani. Usually, incoming exchange students live in shared apartments on campus. The shared apartments on campus have 5 students living in the same apartment, each having their own room with a fridge, the kitchen and bathrooms are shared.
The apartments on campus (local address Ketunpolku 5) are furnished with basic furniture such as bed, table, chair and the rent is approximately 325 euros per month (includes water and electricity).

KAMK International Office books accommodation automatically for all incoming exchange students after accepting their application.

Further information about the accommodation in Kajaani can be found from website https://www.kamk.fi/en/Applicants/Information-for-Accepted-Students/Accommodation

Student Support: Each semester starts with comprehensive orientation days. Orientation days offers needed tools and support for incoming students to start their studies at KAMK smoothly.
Local student union, KAMO, welcomes each incoming exchange student upon their arrival and organizes fun freetime activities during the semesters.

At KAMK we are as one, big family and help, support and guidance is always at hand.

Students with Disabilities: KAMK offers support and help for students with disabilities and offers equal possibilities for all students to complete their studies. Incoming exchange students with disabilities must inform us about their situation and need of help during the nomination process.

Environmental Impact of Studying Abroad

Flache Hand schützt Erde vor Verschmutzung

Do you want to find out how to travel abroad with the smallest possible carbon footprint?

1. Calculate the travel distance:

2. Calculate your CO2 footprint:  https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/klimawandel/co2-rechner-fuer-auto-flugzeug-und-co/

Rapsfeld Baum blauer Himmel Wald im Hintergrund

Do you want to see the environmental impact in real terms including how many trees would need to be planted to offset your study abroad? 

Find more information on this website:  https://www.naturefund.de/en/

Heilbronn University is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance as a component of sustainable development. For the university, protecting the environment means avoiding risks to people and the environment, continuously reducing resource and energy consumption and minimizing emissions and waste, so that the university makes its contribution to sustainable development.

Learn more about how you can lessen the environmental affects of studying abroad here.