INVEST-PRO³ – Subproject 3

Team – Subproject 3

Dr. Ketoma Vix Kemanji
Dr. Ketoma Vix Kemanji
Planning and organization of research activities | Technical development | Student support

Project description

HHN INVEST-PRO³ stands for "Hochschule Heilbronn INternational Vernetzt durch die Entwicklung gemeinsamer STudienprogramme mit hoher PRaxisOrientierung", which roughly translates to "Heilbronn University - internationally connected through the development of joint study programmes with a high practical focus". The project consists of three subprojects with the primary objective to develop and enhance international study opportunities, strengthen networks to international (partner-)universities and intensify international cooperation and collaboration in the fields of research and teaching. For this purpose, new double degrees are being developed (subproject 1), training and career advisory activities for international students and students seeking positions and internships abroad are being expanded (subproject 2) and a research cooperation to Vietnamese-German University is being strengthened (subproject 3).

Subproject 3: Strengthening international research cooperation

The topic of „augmented and virtual reality applications in industrial settings“ meets the challenges of companies today as they are faced by an increasing degree of digitalization.

Within the project HHN INVEST-PRO³ an application-oriented, interdisciplinary research project between the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) and Heilbronn University (HHN) was established to jointly develop a virtual reality driving simulator based on Unity 3D.

Besides the scientific staff working on the project, graduate students and PhD students from HHN and VGU interested in the field of augmented reality are encouraged to participate in the project by joining the team in Germany or Vietnam. Scholarship opportunists are available to those going abroad.

Objective - Subproject 3

Subproject 3 aims primarily at further developing the research collaboration between HHN and VGU in the field of innovative interactive technologies.

Both project sites in Germany and in Vietnam are working together on the development of a virtual reality driving simulator. In addition, the focus is on the conception and implementation of joint research experiments in the areas of "Virtual Reality Driving Simulation" and "Human-Machine Interaction".

Cooperation partner

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Video on the functions of the Audi driving simulator: autonomous driving and driver-vehicle interaction.

The Audi driving simulator in the Otto Rettenmaier research laboratory.

HHN-INVEST-PRO³ is financed by the DAAD within the program "HAW.International" funding line B from grants of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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