Hochschule Luzern

Luzern, Switzerland
Empfohlene Studiengänge:  TM, HM, IBIS, WMM, NTE

About the University

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) is a public university of applied sciences in Lucerne, Switzerland. It was founded in 1997 under the name "Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz" (FHZ) and is the largest educational institution in Central Switzerland.

8333 students attended a Bachelor's or Master's degree program in 2021. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is organized into six departments: Engineering & Architecture, Computer Science, Social Work, Design Film Art, Music and the Department of Business.


About the Location

Lucerne is a Swiss city, municipality and capital of the canton of the same name. The city has 83,840 inhabitants (December 2022), including the metropolitan area of around 223,000.

Lucerne is the social and cultural center of Central Switzerland. In terms of education, it is home to the University of Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Teacher Education and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, among others. Events with supra-regional appeal include the Lucerne Carnival and the Lucerne Festival. Lucerne is an important tourist destination in Switzerland, partly due to its location on Lake Lucerne and its proximity to the Alps, and partly thanks to attractions such as the Chapel Bridge and the Swiss Museum of Transport.

Important Information for Studying at this Partner University

Language(s) of Instruction: German and English

Semester Dates: Fall semester: mid September - mid February / Spring semester: mid February - mid July

Course Offerings: https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/wirtschaft/international/fuer-studierende/ausbildungsangebot-sowie-infoveranstaltungen/

Exchange Places: 2 (1x Bachelor, 1x Master)

Double Degree: No

Costs: There are no additional tuition costs. Additional costs that must be considered are accommodations, meals, and cost of living.

Impressoin studentisches Leben. Studentin sitzt mit Getränk in der Sonne

Student Life

Student Housing: https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/campus/leben-in-luzern/wohnen/

Student Support: a very good overview of all relevant informations for exchange students can be found here. 

Students with Disabilities: Contact the International Office for further information and coordination of support.

Flyer for international incoming students

Environmental Impact of Studying Abroad

Flache Hand schützt Erde vor Verschmutzung

Do you want to find out how to travel abroad with the smallest possible carbon footprint?

1. Calculate the travel distance:

2. Calculate your CO2 footprint:  https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/klimawandel/co2-rechner-fuer-auto-flugzeug-und-co/

Rapsfeld Baum blauer Himmel Wald im Hintergrund

Do you want to see the environmental impact in real terms including how many trees would need to be planted to offset your study abroad? 

Find more information on this website:  https://www.naturefund.de/en/

Heilbronn University is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance as a component of sustainable development. For the university, protecting the environment means avoiding risks to people and the environment, continuously reducing resource and energy consumption and minimizing emissions and waste, so that the university makes its contribution to sustainable development.

Learn more about how you can lessen the environmental affects of studying abroad here.