Durch das DAAD-Projekt „IB-HHN Goes Kazakhstan“ stehen Stipendien für einen Auslandsaufenthalt in Kasachstan im WiSe 24/25 zur Verfügung.

Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an ib-exchange@hs-heilbronn.de

Bang College of Business - KIMEP University

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Empfohlene Studiengänge: IBIS, IBO, TM, HM, WMM

KIMEP Campus

About the University

Out of 158 faculty members, 62 hold Western Ph.D. degrees. International faculty members come from 18 different countries, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Republic of Korea and other countries. The University offers 31 English-taught degree programs, including 14 undergraduate programs, 12 graduate programs from Bang College of Business, School of Law, College of Social Sciences, College of Humanities and Education and Executive Education Center. Moreover, KIMEP offers 5 doctoral programs in Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting and Auditing, and Education Policy and Management. University is popular for its Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, International Law and Foreign Languages programs.

More about academic programs: Bachelor (https://kimep.kz/prospective-students/bachelor/) Master (https://kimep.kz/prospective-students/master/) and PhD (https://kimep.kz/bang-college-of-business/doctor-of-philosophy-program-phd/)

About the Location

KIMEP University is the oldest and the largest North American-style University in Central Asia. It was founded in 1992 by the decree of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KIMEP is an independent not-for-profit educational institution serving a multicultural and multinational student body. It is situated in a modern campus in the center of Almaty (Abay Ave, 2), the largest city in Kazakhstan.

KIMEP University is recognized as the best University in the category of humanitarian-economic universities by the Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency. Academic programs at KIMEP University have high rankings nationally and internationally as well as international accreditations from recognized international accreditation agencies.

Over 2000 students attend KIMEP. Students come from all over the world, including Europe, the USA, the UK, Central Asia, and Asia.

Facts about Kazakhstan: https://www.kimep.kz/diam/en/facts-about-kazakhstan/

Facts about Almaty: https://www.kimep.kz/diam/en/facts-about-almaty/

KIMEP University campus

Important Information for Studying at this Partner University

Language(s) of Instruction: Courses for incoming exchange students are offered in English.

Semester Dates: Fall semester: late August until late December / Spring semester: mid January until mid May / Full semester calendar available at https://www.kimep.kz/current-students/en/calendar/

Course Offerings: Academic Catalogue for the AY 2021-2022: https://www.kimep.kz/about/files/2018/02/KIMEP-Catalog-2021-2022-AY.pdf

Exchange Places: 4

Double Degree: No

Costs: None

* no TM/HM/WMM-specific course offerings

KIMEP University campus

Student Life

Student Housing: Exchange students may apply for on-campus dormitories. Off-campus housing is also available. More information can be found at: https://www.kimep.kz/current-students/en/student-affairs/housing/

Student Support: The International Office will assist you before and during your exchange: https://www.kimep.kz/diam/en/

Each exchange student will have a Buddy (KIMEP student) who will assist and help students smoothly transit to KIMEP and Almaty environment.

Students with Disabilities: To serve the needs of students with disabilities, our campus is equipped with tactile paving, as well as help call buttons for disabled students for assistance in using stairs.

Environmental Impact of Studying Abroad

Flache Hand schützt Erde vor Verschmutzung

Do you want to find out how to travel abroad with the smallest possible carbon footprint?

1. Calculate the travel distance:

2. Calculate your CO2 footprint:  https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/klimawandel/co2-rechner-fuer-auto-flugzeug-und-co/

Rapsfeld Baum blauer Himmel Wald im Hintergrund

Do you want to see the environmental impact in real terms including how many trees would need to be planted to offset your study abroad? 

Find more information on this website:  https://www.naturefund.de/en/

Heilbronn University is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance as a component of sustainable development. For the university, protecting the environment means avoiding risks to people and the environment, continuously reducing resource and energy consumption and minimizing emissions and waste, so that the university makes its contribution to sustainable development.

Learn more about how you can lessen the environmental affects of studying abroad here.