

Meroth A., Tolg B.: Infotainmentsysteme im Kraftfahrzeug. Grundlagen, Komponenten, Systeme und Anwendungen“ Vieweg, Wiesbaden November 2007

Roland Schweizer (Bilder), Ansgar Meroth (Texte): "Impressionen: Heilbronner Land und Hohenlohe" Schweikert, Obersulm, 2016

Ansgar Meroth, Petre Sora: "Sensornetzwerke in Theorie und Praxis - Embedded Systems Projekte erfolgreich realisieren" Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2018

Roland Schweizer (Bilder), Ansgar Meroth (Texte): "Heilbronner AugenBlicke" Schweikert, Obersulm, 2019

Ansgar Meroth, Petre Sora: "Sensornetzwerke in Theorie und Praxis - Embedded Systems Projekte erfolgreich realisieren" 2. Erheblich erweiterte Auflage, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2021

Ansgar Meroth, Petre Sora: " Sensor networks in theory and practice - Successfully realize embedded systems projects" Englisch, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2023

Vorträge und Artikel (ausgewählt)

A. Tarek, A. El-Badawy and A. Meroth, "On the Stability of Formation Control for Heterogenous Systems under Network Imperfections," 2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Vallette, Malta, 2024, pp. 2084-2089, doi: 10.1109/CoDIT62066.2024.10708164.

A. Tarek, A. El-Badawy and A. Meroth, "Formation Control for Quadrotors under Network Imperfections," 2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Vallette, Malta, 2024, pp. 1927-1932, doi: 10.1109/CoDIT62066.2024.10708556.

L. Solyman, A. Elbadawy and A. Meroth, "Output-Based Event-Triggered Predictive Control of Networked Control Systems under Bandwidth Constraints, Time Delays and Packet Dropouts," 2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Vallette, Malta, 2024, pp. 2025-2030, doi: 10.1109/CoDIT62066.2024.10708433.

L. Solyman, A. Elbadawy and A. Meroth, "Single Model Scheme-based Smith Predictor for the Mitigation of the effects of Network Imperfections in Consensus Control of Multi Agent Systems," 2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Vallette, Malta, 2024, pp. 1933-1938, doi: 10.1109/CoDIT62066.2024.10708321

S. Chahine, A. O. Elwardany, T. Heiligenmann, Y. A. Zaghloul, N. Sharaf and A. Meroth, "Economic Network Solution for Smart Agriculture in Remote Areas," 2024 22nd International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Amman, Jordan, 2024, pp. 166-171, doi: 10.1109/REM63063.2024.10735639

M. Wagner, A. Meroth: "On the Gains of On-Device and Hybrid AI: A Qualitative Study" 2024 22nd International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), pp 286-290 , IEEE 979-8-3315-0597-4

M. N. Kamal Boutros, A. Meroth, N. Sharaf and Y. A. Zaghloul, "Development of a MQTT-Based Server Software “Agriculture Precision”," 2024 22nd International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Amman, Jordan, 2024, pp. 172-177, doi: 10.1109/REM63063.2024.10735567

Aleksandr Sergeyev, Uwe Gleiter, Ansgar Meroth: ”Internationalization of the Mechatronics Education: Undergraduate and graduate exchange and Dual-Degree Programs development at MICHIGAN TECH and HEILBRONN UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES”  March 2023, 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Ansgar Meroth, Theodore Ganetsos “X-Y Stage System for Raman Scanning in Paintings” International Congress and Exhibition on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2019 At: Prague, Czech Republic

Ansgar Meroth, Petre Sora: “Sensor networks in Theory and Practice“, 1st english ed. Springer 2023Nico Sußmann, Ansgar Meroth: "Model based development and verification of CANopen components" 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation ETFA 2017, September 12-15, 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

Tobias Neff; Markus Rehberger; Ansgar Meroth: "Thrust test bench for student rocket engines" 2016 11th France-Japan & 9th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics (MECATRONICS) /17th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM)

Ansgar M. Meroth; Frank Tränkle; Bastian F. Richter; Marco Wagner; Michael Neher; Jochen Luling: "Functional Safety and Development Process Capability for Intelligent Transportation Systems" IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Year: 2015, Volume: 7, Issue: 4

Konrad Stahl; Klaus-Dieter Leimbach; Ansgar Meroth; Raoul Zöllner: "A Washout and a Tilt Coordination Algorithm for a Hexapod Platform" 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Ansgar Meroth; Marco Wagner;Nico Sußmann; Raoul Zöllner: "On the need and implementation of an open interface for the automotive domain"; 2014 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES 2014), Hyderabad, India

Marco Wagner; Dieter Zöbel; Ansgar Meroth: "Towards runtime adaptation in AUTOSAR: adding Service-orientation to automotive software architecture" 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014), Barcelona

Meroth, A.; Tränkle, F.; Richter, B.; Wagner, M.; Neher, M.; Lüling, J., "Optimization of the development process of intelligent transportation systems using automotive SPICE and ISO 26262," IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014  , Qingdao, China, pp.1481,1486, 8-11 Oct. 2014

Wagner, M.; Zobel, D.; Meroth, A., "SODA: Service-Oriented Architecture for Runtime Adaptive Driver Assistance Systems,"  2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC) Reno, USA, 150,157, 10-12 June 2014

M. Wagner, A. Meroth and D. Zöbel. "Developing self-adaptive automotive systems". Design Automation for Embedded Systems, Special Issue on Self-Adaptive Networked Embedded Systems, Dec. 2013 Download pdf

M. Wagner, D. Zöbel and A. Meroth: "Model-driven development of SOA-based Driver Assistance Systems". SIGBED Review, 2013, vol. 10, no. 1

M. Wagner, D. Zöbel and A. Meroth, "An adaptive Software and Systems Architecture for Driver Assistance Systems based on service orientation", International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 1, no. 4, pp.359-365, 2011.

M. Wagner, D. Zöbel and A. Meroth: "Model-driven development of SOA-based Driver Assistance Systems". SIGBED Review, 2013, vol. 10, no. 1 in Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES '12) in conjunction with the IEEE / ACM CPSWeek '12, April 2012, pp. 27-32.

M. Wagner, D. Zöbel and A. Meroth: "A CAN-based Communication Model for Service-Oriented Driver Assistance Systems". in Proc. of the IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) 2012, November 2012.

M. Wagner, D. Zöbel and A. Meroth. "Towards an Adaptive Software and System Architecture for Driver Assistance Systems". in Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT '2011), 2011, vol. 4 pp. 174-178.

Reichert, T., Klaus, E., Schoch, W., Meroth, A., Herzberg, D.: A Language for Advanced Protocol Analysis in Automotive Networks, in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Leipzig (Germany), 2008, ACM, pp. 593-602

Zeitschriften und weitere Konferenzbeiträge (der letzten zehn Jahre):

Niclas Heining, Uwe Ingelfinger, Ansgar Meroth, Frank Tränkle:"Dynamische Simulation von Mini-Fahrzeugen mit Modern C++, Boost-Odeint und Robot-Operating-System" Tagungsband Workshop 2018 ASIM/GI-Fachgruppen, Heilbronn 8./9.3.2018, ISBN 978-3-901608-19-3

Andreas Schneider, Ansgar Meroth: "Crowd Charging - An Approach To Shared Services In Charging Electric Vehicles" EVS30 The 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium, October 2017, Stuttgart

Steffen Matt, Marcel Sinn, Pascal Greschner, Steven Pollak, Nico Sußmann, Ansgar Meroth, Nico Sußmann "Smart watch for driver information and alert in an open environment" electronic displays Conference 2017, March 2017, At Nuremberg

Ansgar Meroth: "Communication Issues in Ad-hoc Car-to-X Networks: A Review", IQPC Automotive smart data analytics & Management Conference, Berlin 2015

Marco Wagner, Ansgar Meroth "Integration of mobile devices using an Open Interface" 2nd Hefei-Heilbronn Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics December 2013, Heilbronn, Germany

A. Meroth: "A concept of smartphone integration into driver assistant systems" IQPC Automotive Apps Conference 25 - 27 September, 2013 - Hilton Bonn Hotel, Bonn, Germany

A. Meroth: "Diagnosedaten jenseits der Diagnose" - Beitrag zur 10. Internationalen CTI Konferenz Automotive Diagnostic Systems, Stuttgart, April 2013

A. Meroth: "CANOpen-Lift in der Praxis - Der Referenzaufzug an der Hochschule Heilbronn", Beitrag zu den 30. Heilbronner Aufzugstagen, Heilbronn, März 2013

A. Meroth: "The Vehicle in the App- Opportunities and Risks of open Interfaces Between Vehicle and Smartphone", 2. CTI Fachtagung Connected Car, Stuttgart, Juli 2012

A. Meroth, I. Koultzis, M. Wagner, R. Zöllner: "Ein Fahrzeugdiagnose Framework mit Smartphone Beteiligung"  3. Apps-To-Automotive, Esslingen Mai 2012

Markus Traub, Matthias Etüs, Nils Englisch, Dominic Iwertowski, Ansgar Meroth: "Komponentenintegration im Modellmaßstab"  LiftJournal 2-2012 (

Mihai Kocsis, Ansgar Meroth: „Integration of a GUI prototyping tool in a real HMI environment” electronic displays, Nürnberg March 3rd, 2010

Konstantin Cron, Mihai Kocsis, Ansgar Meroth: „Prototyping a human-machine-interface for vehicles using head-up-displays”, electronic displays, Nürnberg March 3rd, 2010

Ansgar Meroth, Ines Marquardt-Schmidt: "Kann man Projektmanagement lernen?" Top Career automotive Guide 2009, Eckelt consulting

Mohamed Chelly, Ansgar Meroth, Mihai Kocsis: "A Open Rapid Prototyping Tool for Touch Screen Displays" electronic displays, Nürnberg February 28th, 2008

Mihai Kocsis, Ansgar Meroth,:"Integrated Test and Simulation Environment for Graphical User Interfaces" electronic displays, Nürnberg February 28th, 2008

Meroth A, Gruhler G, Schröder J: „Das fliegende Unterseeboot – muss jeder Ingenieur auch gleichzeitig Informatiker sein?“ Top Career guide automotive 2008, Nr. 4 November 2007

Ausgewählte Patente

DE000019962971A1 Verfahren zur Datenübertragung über ein Bussystem

DE000019921298A1 Verfahren zur Komprimierung und Dekomprimierung von Daten und Vorrichtung

DE000019859430B4  Meßwert-Anzeigevorrichtung und Verfahren zur Anzeige von Meßwerten

DE000019859430A1 Anzeigevorrichtung

DE000010133749A1 Netzwerkkomponente für ein optisches Netzwerk mit Notlauffunktion, ...

DE000010120465B4  Vorrichtung für die Anzeige und Bedienung von Fahrzeugfunktionen ...

DE000010039235C2 Verfahren zur Darstellung einer Fahrstrecke

DE000010021101B4 Anzeigevorrichtung