
List of Publications


1998 “Competition and Convergence in Financial Markets: The German and Anglo-American Models,” edited with Stanley W. Black, Elsevier Science

Academic Papers

2011 “Predicting Recessions with the Term Spread – Recent Evidence from Seven Countries,” with Armin Pohl, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18, Number 13, 1285-1288

2011 "Financial Sector Reform - A Survey of Recent Prosposals", Zeszyzy Naukowe WSG Ekonomia, Vol. 13, 111-126

2001 “A Note on Testing the Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate,” with Dieter Nautz, Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 11, 261-268

2001 “Predicting Market Movers: A Closer Look at Consensus Estimates,” Business Economics, April, 24-29

1997 “On the Existence of a Credit Channel of Monetary Policy in Germany,” with Alfred Guender, Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 30, 173-185

1997 “Possible Effects of EMU on German Long-Term Interest Rates,” with Carsten Hefeker, Intereconomics, Vol. 32, 144-151

1996 “Predicting Output with a Money Market Spread,” Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 48, 185-199

1996 “Interest Rates or Spreads as Predictors of Real Economic Activity?” Konjunkturpolitik, Vol. 42, No. 1, 40-52

Book Contributions

2000 “Reaktion der Finanzmärkte auf Wirtschaftsdaten: Deutscher Rentenmarkt und US-Konjunktur,” with Michael Holstein, in Michael Stierle (ed.) Wirtschaftsdaten, Konjunkturprognosen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Finanzmärkte, VWF, 67-85

1999 “Micro and Macro Determinants of Unemployment: A Comparison of Trends in the United States and Germany,” with Michael Heise, in Wolfgang Filc and Claus Köhler (eds.) Macroeconomic Causes of Unemployment: Diagnosis and Policy Recommendations, Duncker & Humblot, 227-244

1998 “Financial Structure, Investment, and Growth in OECD Countries,” with Stanley W. Black, in Stanley W. Black and Mathias Moersch (eds.) Competition and Convergence in Financial Markets: The German and Anglo-American Models, Elsevier Science, 157-174

1997 “EMU and Outsiders: Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange Rates,” with Paul Bergin, in Paul J.J. Welfens (ed.) European Monetary Union: Transition, International Impact and Policy Options, Springer Verlag, 71-122

1997 “Investment and its Financing during the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe,” with Stanley W. Black, in Stanley W. Black (ed.) Europe's Economy Looks East, Cambridge University Press, 167-200

Newspaper Commentaries and Trade Publications

2006 „Haushaltsvermögen im internationalen Vergleich – Wachsender Wohlstand,“ with Renate Finke, Die Bank, Oktober, 16-19

2006 „Sind börsennotierte Immobilien wirklich Immobilien?“ Immobilien & Finanzierung, Vol. 57, No. 15, 506-508

2006 „Die Rendite der privaten Geldvermögen – ein Vergleich von Deutschland und USA,“ with Renate Finke, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, Vol. 59, No. 3, 128-131

2005 „US-Rentendebatte liefert Impulse für Deutschland,“ Börsen-Zeitung, 21. May 2005, 6.

2004 “Global investieren mit REITs,“ with Martin Jochum, Handelszeitung, 3. November 2004, 70

2004 “Liquide Immobilienanlagen: Fonds in der Schweiz und in Deutschland,“ CH-D Wirtschaft, June 2004, 16-18

2000 “Erzeugerpreise auf Kletterkurs,” Handelsblatt, 19. July 2000, 30

2000 "US-Einzelhandelsumsätze dürften erneut weniger stark klettern,” Handelsblatt, 12. July 2000, 31

2000 “US-Arbeitsmarktbericht bewegt Dax,” Handelsblatt, 5. July 2000, 38

2000 “Finanzmärkte reagieren empfindlich auf Daten zu Verbraucherpreisen,” Handelsblatt, 14. June 2000, 47

2000 “Einkaufsmanager-Index zeigt die Stimmungslage an,” Handelsblatt, 30. May 2000, 38

2000 “Konjunkturdaten lassen die Märkte erbeben,” with Rainer Lenz, Handelsblatt, 17. May 2000, 39

2000 “Déjà-vu am Rentenmarkt?” Börsen-Zeitung, 18. March 2000, 23

1999 "Negative Sparquote ist kein Schaden,” Börsen-Zeitung, 5. August 1999, 21

1999 “IWF und OECD laufen Consensus hinterher,” Börsen-Zeitung, 25. March 1999, 19

Classroom Resources

2012 "Short Selling", with Ted Azarmi, Wisu, 4/12, 513

2007 „Der Emissionshandel der EU,“ with Maria Klewer, Beiträge zum 7. Tag der Lehre, 159-163


2001 on Herten, S. and Hölscher, J. “Capital Market and Credit Based Development: Lessons from the Experience of Industrial Countries for Transition Economies in Central East Europe” in S. F. Frowen and F. P. McHugh (eds.) Financial Competition, Risk and Accountability, Palgrave, 251-256

2000 on Stahl, M. “Die Lektionen des Jahres 1929” in C. A. Conrad and M. Stahl (eds.) Risikomanagement an internationalen Finanzplätzen, Schäffer-Poeschel, 21-24

Book Reviews

2003 Conrad Mattern, Handbook of Portfolio Management – Macro Indicators as Market Movers, in Business Economics, Vol. 38, No. 1, 61-62

1995 David Cobham (ed.) European Monetary Upheavals, in Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 62, No. 1, 289-290