Universidad de Monterrey

San Pedro Garza Garica, Mexico
Empfohlene Studiengänge:BIS, TM, HM, WMM (ohne TM/HM/WMM spezifiisches Kursangebot - im moment nur Incoming-Austausch)

About the University

Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) is one of the best universities, according to the QS Top 50 Under 50 international ranking. In our founding principles, we capture and express a culture centered on the humanization of each and every person; an openness to every creed and background that rejects all forms of privilege and discrimination, and the conviction that transcendence is achieved in the service of others.

The whole-person education of students has been a distinctive characteristic of UDEM, that is why our educational model is composed of two parts: UDEM Academic Plan and UDEM Formative Model.
As part of our academic excellence, we strive to develop the competencies needed in a profession, while ensuring the development of leadership skills, the promotion of values, and the construction of a social conscience through service and the promotion of international educational experiences.

Our School of Business currently holds both the AACSB, and AMBA accreditations, while the university is accredited by SACS-COC.

About the Location

Monterrey is the third largest city in Mexico and is the capital of Nuevo Leon state. Although there are prehistoric archaeological sites in the area, the city was not founded until 1596 by Spanish families. With its close proximity to Texas and the U.S., Monterrey has always been an important commercial city. Modern Monterrey is a flourishing industrial and commercial center, and is Mexico's wealthiest, highest educated metropolitan area.

Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Population: 4,500,000 (metro area)

Language: Spanish

Currency: Pesos

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Important  Information for Studying at this Partner University

Language(s) of Instruction: English, Spanish (Main language of instruction is Spanish, but we offer a wide variety of courses taught in English (undergraduate level). Our graduate level is taught in Spanish.
TESTS: TOEFL IBT (80), TOEFL PBT (550), IELTS (6,5), TOEIC (650), CEFR (B2)

Semester Dates: Winter Semester: August - December/ Summer Semester: January - May

Course Offerings: https://www.udem.edu.mx/en/study/udem-for-one-semester

Costs: There are no additional tuition costs for studying at Universidad de Monterrey.  Additional costs that must be considered are accommodations, meals, and cost of living.

Exchange Places: 2

Double Degree: No

Costs: There are no additional tuition costs. Additional costs that must be considered are accommodations, meals, and cost of living.

Accreditation: AACSB

Universidad de Monterrey

Student Life

Student Housing: 

Students are in charge of finding a place to live; however our office can be an intermediarie between them and our Residence Halls (providing they choose this option), and the I-Link association can help in house hunting off-campus.

Not co-ed, double rooms sharing a bath.
The room includes a microwave and a mini fridge.
Each floor of the building has a TV room and study room.
The buildings share 3 common kitchens, a computer room, laundry room, and gym.
Cost (2020): 62,000 MXN per semester (if there is interest, we can get a 30% discount for exchange students).

Student Support:

The international office is in charge of helping exchange students with their application process. Assigning a student number + registering courses + orientation sessions + offering accompaniment through our I-Link student association (peer program), ensures incoming students feel welcome and settle down in our country/educational system easily.

We also offer counseling through our Center for the Treatment of Anxiety (off campus), and through the Student Counseling Center (on-campus).

Students with Disabilities: Shall you need specific information, please contact us as there is no general information regarding the topic (hildeliza.gonzalez@udem.edu.mx)

Environmental Impact of Studying Abroad

Flache Hand schützt Erde vor Verschmutzung

Do you want to find out how to travel abroad with the smallest possible carbon footprint?

1. Calculate the travel distance:

2. Calculate your CO2 footprint:  https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/klimawandel/co2-rechner-fuer-auto-flugzeug-und-co/

Rapsfeld Baum blauer Himmel Wald im Hintergrund

Do you want to see the environmental impact in real terms including how many trees would need to be planted to offset your study abroad? 

Find more information on this website:  https://www.naturefund.de/en/

Heilbronn University is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance as a component of sustainable development. For the university, protecting the environment means avoiding risks to people and the environment, continuously reducing resource and energy consumption and minimizing emissions and waste, so that the university makes its contribution to sustainable development.

Learn more about how you can lessen the environmental affects of studying abroad here.