Jordi Pallares, Alexandre Fabregat, Akim Lavrinenko, Nelson Marques, Bruno Santos, Gabriele Mosca, Pedro Obando Vega, Jure Ravnik, Nejc Vovk, Bruño Fraga, Aleksandra Monka, Manuel Martínez, Naomi Mestre-Curto, Francisco Jose de Souza, Douglas Fontes, Natalie Jüngling, Jennifer Niessner, Robert Castilla, Mercè García-Vílchez, David F. Fletcher, Kiao Inthavong, Matjaž Hriberšek, Paul Steinmann, Jana Wedel, Florent Duchaine, Shriram Sankurantripati, Leo Amari, Gábor Janiga, Cristian Marchioli, Salvatore Cito; Computational fluid dynamics challenge on indoor dispersion of pathogen-laden aerosols. Physics of Fluids 1 February 2025; 37 (2): 025226. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0252665
Berger, S., Springsklee, L. and J. Niessner: Investigation of ventilation concepts for the elimination of potentially infectious aerosol particles in relation to energy efficiency. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2024, Cologne, Germany.
Jüngling, N., Pospichl, J. and J. Niessner: Two ways to optimize the microstructure of a filter for gas-particle systems using adjoint (related) methods. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2024, Cologne, Germany.
Jüngling, N., Pospichl, J. and J. Niessner; Shape optimization using the adjoint solver in computational fluid dynamics for additive manufacturing of a pollen filter. AIP Advances; 14 (2): 025143, doi: 10.1063/5.0190320
Zimmermann, T., Stauch, C., Bittel, L., Jüngling, N., Muhamettursun, M., Halik, M., Niessner, J., Wintzheimer, S., Lyons, A., Löbmann, P. and Mandel, Influence of surface structure on dust accumulation and removal. Solar Energy, volume 267, 2024, 112246, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2023.112246.
Ángel-Gómez, S., Berger, S., Niessner, J., Álvarez-Láinez, M. L., J. Air filtration performance of nanofiber membranes with different morphologies produced by green electrospinning. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2023, e54870. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.54870.
Gramlich, J., Jüngling, N., Pospichl, J., Barz, J., Gleiter, U. and Niessner, J.: "Optimierte Filter aus dem 3D-Drucker für die Filtration von Mikroplastik aus Waschmaschinen-Abwasser", Filtrieren & Separieren, 04/2023.
Baumann, A., Hoch, D. and Niessner, J. (2023), Fates of Emitted Particles Depending on Mask Wearing Using an Approach Validated Across Spatial Scales. Global Challenges 2300008. https://doi.org/10.1002/gch2.202300008
Berger, S., Mattern, M. and J. Niessner, Face mask performance related to potentially infectious aerosol particles, breathing mode and facial leakage, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 248, 2023, 114103, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.114103.
Hoch, D., Weber, A., and J. Niessner, Modeling and simulation of coalescence in the context of oil mist filtration, Transport in Porous Media, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s11242-023-01908-6.
Berger, S., Azimian, M., Eichheimer, P., Hoch, D., Cheng, L. and Niessner, J. (2023), Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Optimization of Face Mask Filter Media Using Micro-Computed Tomography Scans. Chem. Eng. Technol., 46: 1039-1046. https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.202200460
Bittel, L., Jüngling, N., Hoch, D. and J. Niessner: Generation of datasets using POD for artificial intelligence to predict and control an energy-efficient HVAC system. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2023, Cologne, Germany.
Bittel, L., Berger, S., Lehmann, M., Niessner, J., Pagliarini, F. and L.Springsklee: Energy-efficient operating concepts for air purification with cooperative ventilation systems based on simulations, sensor data and artificial intelligence. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2023, Cologne, Germany.
Berger, S., Mattern, M. and J. Niessner, Face Mask Performance Related to Potentially Infectious Aerosol Particles, Breathing Mode and Facial Leakage, accepted for publication in: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. Preprint available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4238356
Berger, Simon, Matern, M. and J. Niessner, Evaluation of filtration performance of certified face masks for protection from virus-laden aerosol particles. In: Global Guide of the Filtration and Separation Industry 2022-2024, Vulkan-Verlag 2022.
McLeod, RS, Hopfe, CJ, Bodenschatz, E, [...], Niessner, J., et al. A multi-layered strategy for COVID-19 infection prophylaxis in schools: A review of the evidence for masks, distancing, and ventilation. Indoor Air. 2022; 32:e13142. doi: 10.1111/ina.13142
T. Penner, S. Berger, J. Niessner & A. Dittler (2022) Generation, characterization and comparison of human exhaled and technical aerosols for the evaluation of different air purifying technologies against infectious aerosols, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2022.2125520
Ruetalo, N, Berger, S, Niessner, J, Schindler, M. Inactivation of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 by 254 nm UV-C irradiation. Indoor Air. 2022; 32:e13115. doi: 10.1111/ina.13115
Berger, S., Mattern, M. and J. Niessner: Filtration performance of certified face masks with respect to usage in the COVID-19 pandemic context. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2022, Cologne, Germany.
Baumann, A., Hoch, D. and J. Niessner: Investigation of the near-field and far-field protection effect of face masks using micro-scale and macro-scale CFD simulations. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2022, Cologne, Germany.
Hoch, D., Weber, A. and J. Niessner: Modeling and simulation of coalescence in the context of oil mist filtration using a distance map. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2022, Cologne, Germany.
Hoch, D., Azimian, M., Baumann, A., Behringer, J. and J. Niessner: Comparing mesh-based and voxel-based CFD models for aerosol deposition in complex fibrous filters. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2022, Cologne, Germany.
Jüngling, N., Gaugler, Th., Pospichl, J. and J. Niessner: Topology optimization of pollen filters using an adjoint solver. Proceedings of the FILTECH Conference 2022, Cologne, Germany.
Bodenschatz, E., Curtius, J., Exner, M., Herr, C., Hopfe, C.J., Moriske, H.-J., Müller, D., Niessner, J., Pöschl, U., Salthammer, T., Seipp, M., Steffens, T., Witt, C., and Willich, S.N.: Aktuelle Empfehlungen für die lufthygienische Infektionsprophylaxe in Schulen während der COVID-19-Pandemie, 2021. https://www.mpic.de/5099053/schulbetriebpandemie?c=3477744.
Tobisch, A., Springsklee, L., Schäfer, L.-F., Sussmann, N., Lehmann, M.J., Weis, F., Zöllner, R., and J. Niessner , "Reducing indoor particle exposure using mobile air purifiers—Experimental and numerical analysis", AIP Advances 11, 125114 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0064805.
Dittler, A., Mizaikoff, B., Niessner, J., Kräusslich, H.-G., Iftner, T., Grün, G., Brockmann, S. von Baum, H., Spahn, C., Haibel, M., Stergriaropoulos, K.: 2. Stellungnahme: Virusmutationen, Aerosolen in Fahrzeugen und Belüftungskonzepten in kulturellen Einrichtungen, 2021. https://mwk.baden-wuerttemberg.de/fileadmin/redaktion/m-mwk/intern/dateien/pdf/Expertenkreis_Aerosole_-_2._Stellungnahme_02.pdf
Jüngling, N. und Niessner, J.: Adjoint-based topology optimization of filter structures for gas–particle systems, AIP Advances 11, 065008 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0052567.
Brockmann S, Dittler A, Grün G, Haibel M, Iftner T, Kräusslich HG, Mizaikoff B, Niessner J, Richter B, Spahn C, Stergiaropoulos K, von Baum H. Stellungnahme des „Expertenkreises Aerosole“: Aerosole und SARS-CoV-2 – Entstehung, Infektiosität, Ausbreitung und Minderung luftgetragener, virenhaltiger Teilchen in der Atemluft [Aerosols and SARS-CoV-2: Statement of the "Expert Group Aerosols" on the development, infectivity, spread and reduction of airborne, virus-containing particles in the air]. Gesundheitswesen. 2021 Mar;83(3):231-234. German. doi: 10.1055/a-1363-0972. Epub 2021 Mar 12. PMID: 33720386.
Dittler, A., Mizaikoff, B., Niessner, J., Kräusslich, H.-G., Iftner, T., Grün, G., Brockmann, S. von Baum, H., Spahn, C., Haibel, M., Stergriaropoulos, K.: Stellungnahme des „Expertenkreis Aerosole“ der Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg: Aerosole & SARS CoV2 –Entstehung, Infektiosität, Ausbreitung & Minderung luftgetragener, virenhaltiger Teilchen in der Atemluft, 2020.
Hoch, D., Azimian, M., Baumann, A., Behringer, J. und J. Niessner: Comparison of Voxel‐Based and Mesh‐Based CFD Models for Aerosol Deposition on Complex Fibrous Filters. Chem. Eng. Technol., 43: 2538-2547, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.202000318
Baumann, A., Hoch, D., Behringer, J. und J. Niessner: Macro-scale modeling and simulation of two-phase flow in fibrous liquid aerosol filters. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/19942060.2020.1828174
Hoch, D., Baumann, A. und J. Niessner: Modeling and simulation of liquid aerosol deposition in textile filters, Proceedings of the Sixth bwHPC Symposium, September 30th 2019, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Hoch, D., Baumann, A. und J. Niessner: Micro-Scale Simulation of Fibrous Liquid Aerosol Filters, Proceedings of the FilTech Conference 2019, October 22nd-24th 2019, Cologne, Germany.
Baumann, A., Hoch, D. und J. Niessner: Macro-Scale Simulation of Fibrous Liquid Aerosol Filters, Proceedings of the FilTech Conference 2019, October 22nd-24th 2019, Cologne, Germany.
Feuring, T., Braun, J., Linders, B., Bisch, G., Hassanizadeh, S.M. und J. Niessner: Horizontal Redistribution of Two Fluid Phases in a Porous Medium: Experimental Investigations, Transport in Porous Media, doi: 10.1007/s11242-014-0381-9, 2014
Helmig, R., Class, H. und J. Niessner: Multiphase Flow and Transport in the Subsurface. Theory and Modeling, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 9783642331015, 2012
Ahrenholz, B., Niessner, J., Helmig, R. und M. Krafczyk: Pore-scale determination of parameters for macro-scale modeling of evaporation processes in porous media, Water Resources Research, 47, W07543, doi:10.1029/2010WR009519, 2011
Niessner, J. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: Mass and heat transfer during two-phase flow in porous media - theory and modeling. In: Mass Transfer. InTech – Open Access Publisher, 2011
Niessner, J., Berg, S. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: Comparison of two-phase Darcy's law with a thermodynamically consistent approach, Transport in Porous Media, 88(1), 133-148, 2011
Nuske, P., Faigle, B., Helmig, R., Niessner, J. und I. Neuweiler: Modeling Gas-Water Processes in Fracture-Matrix Systems with Fracture Flow Properties Obtained through Upscaling, Water Resources Research, 46, W09528, doi:10.1029/2009WR008076, 2010
Helmig, R., Niessner, J., Flemisch, B., Wolff, M. und J. Fritz: Efficient modelling of flow and transport in porous media using multi-physics and multi-scale approaches. In: Freeden, W., Nashed, Z., and T. Sonar (eds.): Handbook of Geomathematics, Springer, 2010
Niessner, J. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: Non-equilibrium interphase heat and mass transfer during two-phase flow in porous media-theoretical considerations and modeling, Advances in Water Resources, 32(12), 1756-1766, 2009
Niessner, J. und R. Helmig: Multi-physics modeling of multi-phase flow and transport in porous media using a downscaling approach, Advances in Water Resources, 32(6), 845-850, 2009
Niessner, J. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: Modeling kinetic interphase mass transfer for two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area, Transport in Porous Media, 80(2) 329-344, 2009
Niessner, J. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: Two-phase flow and transport in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area, in: Multiphase Flow Research, Nova Science Publishers, 2009
Pop, I.S., van Duijn, C.J., Niessner, J. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: Horizontal redistribution of fluids in a porous medium: the role of interfacial area in modeling hysteresis, Advances in Water Resources, 32(3), 383-390, 2009
Niessner, J., Hassanizadeh, S.M. und D. Crandall: Modeling two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area, Proceedings of the ASME IMECE congress, Boston, Massachusetts, 31. Oktober-6. November 2008
Niessner, J. und S.M. Hassanizadeh: A model for two-phase flow in porous media including phase-interfacial area, Water Resources Research, 44, W08439, DOI: 10.1029/2007WR00672, 2008
Geiger, S., Matthäi, S., Niessner, J. und R. Helmig: Black-Oil simulations for three-component - three-phase flow in fractured porous media. SPE Paper 107485, 2007
Niessner, J. und R. Helmig: Multi-scale modeling of three-phase–three component processes in heterogeneous porous media . Advances in Water Resources, 30(11), 2309-2325, 2007
Helmig, R., Class, H., Ölmann, U. und J. Niessner: Multiphase Processes in Porous Media. SFB-Bericht, Multifield Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Springer 28, 45-82, 2006.
Helmig, R., Miller, C.T., Jakobs, H., Class, H., Hilpert, M., Kees, C.E. und J. Niessner: Multiphase Flow and Transport Modeling in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Springer, 449- 488, 2006
Niessner, J. und R. Helmig: Multi-scale modeling of two-phase – two component processes in heterogeneous porous media. 2006. SFB preprint 2006/02.
Niessner, J. und R. Helmig: Multi-scale modeling of two-phase – two component processes in heterogeneous porous media. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 13(9): 99-715, 2006
Niessner, J. und R. Helmig: Multi-scale modeling of two-phase-two component processes in heterogeneous porous media . In: Proceedings of Computational Methods in Water Resources (19. - 22. Juni 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark), 6/2006.
Assteerawatt, A., Bastian, P., Bielinski, A., Breiting, T., Class, H., Ebigbo, A., Eichel, H., Freiboth, S., Helmig, R., Kopp, A., Niessner, J., Ochs, S.O., Papafotiou, A., Paul, M., Sheta, H., Werner, D. und U. Ölmann: MUFTE-UG: Structure, Applications and Numerical Methods. Newsletter, International Groundwater Modeling Centre, Colorado School of Mines, volume XXIII ISSUE 2, 2006.
Helmig, R. und J. Niessner: Recent advances in finite elements for multiphase flow processes in porous media. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 20(3+4), 245- 252, 2006.
Niessner, J., Helmig, R., Jakobs, H. und J. Roberts: Interface condition and exact linearization in the Newton iterations for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. 15. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, 1, 597-608, 2005.
Niessner, J., Helmig, R., Jakobs, H. und J. Roberts: Interface Condition and Linearization Schemes in the Newton Iterations for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media, Advances in Water Resources, 28(7), 671-687, 2005.
Reichenberger, V., Jakobs, H., Bastian, P., Helmig, R. und J. Niessner: Complex Gas-Water Processes in Discrete Fracture-Matrix Systems. Upscaling, Mass-Conservative Discretization and Efficient Multilevel Solution. Technischer Bericht 130, Institut für Wasserbau, Universität Stuttgart, 2004.
Niessner, J.: Influence of the Interface Condition and Exact Linearization in the Newton Iterations for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Diplomarbeit / M.Sc.-Thesis, Universität Stuttgart, in Kooperation mit Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Rocquencourt - Paris, France, 7/2003.
Niessner, J., Roberts, J. und R. Helmig: Influence of an Interface Condition and Exact Linearization in the Newton Iterations for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Rocquencourt - Paris, France, Nr.: RR-4903, 2003.
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