Harrington, R. J, Ottenbacher, M. and Kendall, K.W. (2011), “Direct and moderating effects of customer attributes on fine dining restaurant choice”, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, accepted for publication 14 (3)
Harrington, R.J. and Ottenbacher, M. (2011), “Strategic Management in Hospitality: What is its impact and what are the implications for future research?” Special issue on “Development and Progress in Contemporary Hospitality Management Research”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, accepted for publication
Ottenbacher, M and Harrington, R.J. (2010), “A study of innovative versus incremental new services: different strategies for achieving success", Journal of Services Marketing, 24 (1), pp. 3-15.
Harrington, R. J. Ogbeide, G. C. and Ottenbacher, M.(2010), “Maximizing hospitality learning outcomes: An integrated experiential in-class approach”, FIU Hospitality Review, 28 (1), pp. 108-130.
Harrington, R.J. and Ottenbacher, M. (2010),”Culinary tourism – a case study of the gastronomic capital”, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 8 (1), pp. 14-32.
Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2009), “Institutional, cultural and contextual factors: potential drivers of the culinary innovation process”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9 (3), pp. 235-249.
Ottenbacher, M., Harrington, R.J. and Parsa, H.G. (2009), “Hospitality: Classificational analysis of the term and discussion of pedagogical and research implications”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33 (3), pp. 263-283.
Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2009), “The product innovation process of quick service restaurant chains”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21 (5), pp. 523-541.
Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M., and Rog, E. (2009), “Exploring the strategic decision making process in hospitality firms”, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 10 (1), pp. 25-43.
Harrington, R.J. and Baggs, C. and Ottenbacher, M. (2009),”Moving from a tacit to a structured culinary innovation process: A case for the BASICS and Just-Right Plots in evaluation”, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 7 (1), pp. 73-88.
Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2008), “US and German culinary innovation processes: differences in involvement and other factors”, Journal of Foodservice Business Research 11 (4), pp. 410-438.
Harrington, R.J. and Ottenbacher, M. (2008), “Contradictions of traditions and change in German winemaking: An exploratory study", International Journal of Wine Business Research, 20 (3), pp. 276-293.
Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2008), “Development of entrepreneurial innovations in the IT sector: Identifying successful process practices”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 9 (1), pp. 21-31.
Harrington, R.J., Miszczak, D.C. and Ottenbacher, M. (2008), “The impact of beer type, pizza spiciness and gender on match perceptions”, PASOS: Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Special issue: Gastronomic and wine tourism, 6 (2), pp. 173-188.
Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J..(2007), “The culinary innovation process: a study of Michelin-starred chefs”, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 5 (4), pp. 9-35.
Ottenbacher, M.(2007), “Innovation management in the hospitality industry: different strategies for achieving success”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 31 (4), pp. 431-454.
Baker, R. and Ottenbacher, M. (2007), “Indian gaming at the 20-year mark: hospitality’s fastest- growing industry?” FIU Hospitality and Tourism Review, 25 (2), pp. 58-65.
Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2007), “The innovation development process of Michelin-starred chefs”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 19 (6), pp. 444-460. Highly Commended Award Winner 2008
Keri, K., Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2007), “The North American spa industry; an examination of emergent trends”, FIU Hospitality Review, 25 (1), pp. 50-60.
Ottenbacher, M., Shaw, V. and Lockwood, A. (2006), “An investigation of the factors affecting innovation performance in chain and independent hotels”, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 6 (3/4), pp. 113-108
Ottenbacher, M., Gnoth, J. and Jones, P. (2006), “Identifying determinants of success in development of new high-contact services: insights from the hospitality industry”, International Journal of Service Industry Management 17 (4), pp. 344-363
Ottenbacher, M., Shaw, V. and Ermen, D. (2006), “The new service development process for successful small entrepreneurial firms”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 7 (2), pp. 77-86
Ottenbacher, M.and Gnoth, J. (2005), “How to develop successful hospitality innovation”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 46 (2), pp. 205-222
Ottenbacher, M., Shaw, V. and Howley, M. (2005), “The impact of employee management on hospitality innovation success”, FIU Hospitality Review 23 (1), pp. 82-95
Ottenbacher, M. and Gray, B. (2004), “The new service development process: The initial stages for hotel innovations”, FIU Hospitality Review 22 (2), pp. 59-70
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