Interview mit der ungarischen HR Managerin Judit Boros

Dr. Judit Boros ist HR Managerin an der University of Szeged. Dort arbeitet Sie im Dekanat der Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Im Rahmen der Staff Mobility besucht Sie den Campus Schwäbisch Hall und berichtet uns über Ihre Arbeit in Ungarn.

Can you tell me something about the University of Szeged (in a short way) and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration?

The University of Szeged is one of the most beautiful universities in Hungary. It has about 25.000 students and 12 faculties. The facultie of Economics and Business Administration is a relative new facultie with BA, MA and PHD programs. Our Building has got a Mediterranean milieu and the teachers are young and helpfully.

How long you work as a HR manager at the University of Szeged?

I work since five years as a HR expert at the faculty.

What do you do as a HR manager at a University? What´s your daily tasks? What do you like and which tasks you don’t ‘like?

I´ve a lot of tasks. For example to coordinate the apply procedure of the teacher and staff. I´ve to control the holiday of my colleagues. I´m responsible for the contracts. I like doing all of them. I don´t like to care about to give somebody notice.

You are here as a part of staff mobility – which experience you take home?

This is a young kind milieu with very nice people. I think they enjoy the work here in campus. I liked that. I´ve heard some good best practice about accreditation and Marketing of Campus Schwäbisch Hall.

What do you think can German HR manager learn from you and your Hungary colleges?

I´ll learn from German HR manager some best practices. Timesheet and some interesting job advertisement.

Are there differents in the functioning (between German and Hungary)?

Of course there are differents. In Hungary it´s not easy to coordinate all the procedure in a central office. Sometimes in Hungary seems to be hard the communication between the offices. I think in Germany the communication and the procedure are clearly defined.

Finally, what is your tip for the soccer match Hungary vs. Portugal?

1:1 :-)