Der International Career Service ist ein Angebot für die Studierenden der Hochschule Heilbronn.
Wir bieten internationalen Studierenden, die sich in Deutschland bewerben möchten, Orientierung auf dem regionalen Arbeitsmarkt und unterstützen beim Bewerbungsprozess. Ganz gleich ob für Praktikum, Nebenjob oder Einstieg nach dem Studium.
Der International Career Service ist auch mit einer Gruppe in ILIAS vertreten. Hier können weiterführende Informationen, Arbeitsblätter und Links zum Thema Bewerbung und Praktikum gefunden werden.
Angebote für internationale Studierende:
Für eine Terminabstimmung melden Sie sich gerne telefonisch, per E-Mail oder WhatsApp.
Im Falle eines Bewerbungsunterlagen-Check und/oder einer Unterstützung im Bewerbungsprozess, möchten wir Sie bitten ihre Unterlagen und entsprechende Stellenausschreibungen vorab zuzusenden.
I’d like to thank you, most sincerely, for all of the help you’ve given me. Thank you for all the assistance you have provided me during my job search. I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the connections you have shared with me. Your expertise and help have been invaluable during this process. Again, thank you so much.
I haven't got over this weekend yet as part of me had not boarded that bus back home. "Never have I ever" - met so many amazing people together at one place. Learned a lot, not just from the sessions but from each one of the participants. Everyone has something to offer and had equal desire to make their time worth a while. Couldn't ask for more. From beginning to end it was super eventful and flawless. So once again thank you everyone for making the weekend a huge success & cherishable for me.
Personally, I passed a very meaningful weekend! I didn't expect this before leaving. I'm very happy to know different people. We had fun. We learned the many things about the career in Germany. We are motivated and active. It really helps us. As a new foreigner here, I feel it's warm. The best and impressive memory for me until now also.
I’d like to thank you, most sincerely, for all of the help you’ve given me. Thank you for all the assistance you have provided me during my job search. I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the connections you have shared with me. Your expertise and help have been invaluable during this process. Again, thank you so much.
I haven't got over this weekend yet as part of me had not boarded that bus back home. "Never have I ever" - met so many amazing people together at one place. Learned a lot, not just from the sessions but from each one of the participants. Everyone has something to offer and had equal desire to make their time worth a while. Couldn't ask for more. From beginning to end it was super eventful and flawless. So once again thank you everyone for making the weekend a huge success & cherishable for me.
Personally, I passed a very meaningful weekend! I didn't expect this before leaving. I'm very happy to know different people. We had fun. We learned the many things about the career in Germany. We are motivated and active. It really helps us. As a new foreigner here, I feel it's warm. The best and impressive memory for me until now also.
I’d like to thank you, most sincerely, for all of the help you’ve given me. Thank you for all the assistance you have provided me during my job search. I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the connections you have shared with me. Your expertise and help have been invaluable during this process. Again, thank you so much.
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