Fachhochschule Burgenland

Eisenstadt, Austria
Empfohlene Studiengänge: IBIS, IB-E, HM, TM, WMM (es können nur BWL Kurse an der PHS belegt werden)

About the University

Die Fachhochschule Burgenland, mit ihren zwei Studienzentren in Eisenstadt und Pinkafeld im sonnigsten Bundesland Österreichs gelegen, ist der ideale Standort für Wachstum. Denn neben lokalen kulinarischen Besonderheiten wachsen hier mehr als 2.300 ordentlich Studierende jährlich über sich hinaus.

About the Location

Eisenstadt ist eine kleine österreichische Stadt und die Hauptstadt des Burgenlandes.

Gruppe mit internationalen Studierenden sitzt und spricht an einem Schreibtisch.

Important  Information for Studying at this Partner University

Language(s) of Instruction: English/Deutsch -  Language Requirements: English B2 Level

Semester Dates: Winter Term: September - Feburary/ Summer Term: Feburary to  August (https://www.fh-burgenland.at/internationales/incomings/#c3688)

Course Offerings: https://www.fh-burgenland.at/internationales/incomings/#c3688

Costs: There are no additional tuition costs.  Additional costs that must be considered are accommodations, meals, and cost of living.

Environmental Impact of Studying Abroad

Flache Hand schützt Erde vor Verschmutzung

Do you want to find out how to travel abroad with the smallest possible carbon footprint?

1. Calculate the travel distance:

2. Calculate your CO2 footprint:  https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/klimawandel/co2-rechner-fuer-auto-flugzeug-und-co/

Rapsfeld Baum blauer Himmel Wald im Hintergrund

Do you want to see the environmental impact in real terms including how many trees would need to be planted to offset your study abroad? 

Find more information on this website:  https://www.naturefund.de/en/

Heilbronn University is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance as a component of sustainable development. For the university, protecting the environment means avoiding risks to people and the environment, continuously reducing resource and energy consumption and minimizing emissions and waste, so that the university makes its contribution to sustainable development.

Learn more about how you can lessen the environmental affects of studying abroad here.