The EU framework program for research and innovation (2021 to 2027) will be one of the largest funding programs internationally. It is of great importance for researchers to work together on transnational projects with European and non-European partners.
Horizon Europe based on three columns:
1: “Excellence in Science”;
Column 2: “Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness”;
Column 3: “Innovative Europe”;
as well as the area "Expanding participation and strengthening the European Research Area" (see figure below).
Source: BMBF, Horizont Europa, online at, accessed on April 1, 2021.
The program also refers to the "Strategic Planning Process" of the EU. This reflects the political priorities, in particular the ecological and digital change, and is addressed in the six clusters (Pillar 2) of Horizon Europe.
Furthermore, five missions, so-called "Mission Areas" were introduced, including: Adaptation to climate change, cancer, climate neutrality and secure nutrition.
The European Commission would like to comprehensively strengthen research and innovation in Europe for a sustainable future and contribute to overcoming societal challenges.
If you are interested in Horizon Europe or other EU funding opportunities or if you would like to set up a European network, for example, there are various support options:
The EU office of the BMBF provides information on the program structure of Horizon Europe on the website The national contact points are thematically assigned to the program columns of Horizon Europe and, in addition to information events, also offer individual advice on all aspects of the planned participation in Horizon Europe calls for tenders. For example, they also look through individual project applications and support them.
The "FH-Europa" funding guidelines are part of the BMBF's "Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" program. It is aimed specifically at HAW professors with the aim of strengthening their presence at the European level and successfully reflecting application-oriented transfer and innovation skills in European research and innovation tenders. In addition to submitting an application, explicitly network-building activities, e.g. to set up a consortium, are funded.
The EU Commission is always looking for experts to assess project applications (peer review process). The reviewer activity enables a deep insight into the application process on topics that are part of the personal research focus. Furthermore, the network can be expanded within the scientific community. Registration takes place via the Funding & Tenders Portal of the EU.
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