Conference Papers and Posters

Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M. and Way, K. (2010), “QSR choice: Key restaurant attributes and the role of gender, age and dining frequency”, International CHRIE Conference, San Juan, USA

Ottenbacher, M., Harrington, R.J. and Struzik, N. (2010), “Culinary Tourism – lessons on implementation from southern Germany”, CHME 19th Annual Research Conference, Horsley Towers, UK

Harrington, R. J, Ottenbacher, M..and Kendall, K. (2009), “Direct and moderating attribute effects on consumer characteristics: Fine dining restaurants”, CHME 18th Annual Research Conference, Brighton/Eastbourne, UK

Harrington, R. J. Ogbeide, G. C. and Ottenbacher, M.(2009), “Integrating multiple learning objectives into experiential in-class learning opportunities”, International CHRIE Conference, San Francisco, USA

Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2008), “North American, German and Spanish culinary innovation processes: implications of institutional, cultural and contextual factors”, International Product Development Management Conference, Hamburg, Germany

Mirsky, E., Harrington, R.J., and Ottenbacher, M. (2008), “Inspiring the kitchen: Gender differences in the innovation strategy approaches used by chefs”, International CHRIE Conference, I-CHRIE, Atlanta, USA

Miszczak, D., Harrington, R.J., and Ottenbacher, M. (2008), “Beer and Pizza pairing: The impact of spice”, International CHRIE Conference, I-CHRIE, Atlanta, USA

Hsu, A., Harrington, R.J., and Ottenbacher, M. (2008), “Gastronomy Tourism: A Snare for Asian Heritage Travelers?” Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, Angers, France

Ottenbacher, M. and Harrington, R.J. (2007), “An analysis of the idea generation process of Michelin-starred chefs”, International CHRIE Conference, I-CHRIE, Dallas, USA

Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M. and Ianni, J. (2007), “From restaurant table to grocery store shelf – the development of restaurant branded products in a food retail environment”, EuroCHRIE Conference, Leeds, UK

Baker, R. andOttenbacher, M. (2007), “Innovation in the gaming industry: A study in Native American casinos in California”, Hospitality & Leisure: Business Advances and Applied Research Conference, Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M., and Rog, E. (2007), “Strategic decision making in hospitality firms: the impact of decision level and environmental factors”, Hospitality & Leisure: Business Advances and Applied Research Conference, Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

Ottenbacher, M. (2006), “Developing Hospitality Innovations: What Factors Impact Performance of Innovative Versus Incremental New Services”, International CHRIE Conference, I-CHRIE, Washington D.C., USA

Thibodeaux, W. R., Ottenbacher, M., Whitham, C., Harrington, R.J. and Parr, A.M. (2006), “Generation Y’s ethical positioning – a clue to excellence in ethics instruction: a multi-national study of hospitality undergraduate decision-making”, EuroCHRIE Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece

Ottenbacher, M. and Lockwood, A. (2005), “Developing hospitality innovations: What factors impact performance of chain affiliated versus independent innovations”, International CHRIE Conference, I-CHRIE, Las Vegas, USA

Ottenbacher, M. and Howley, M. (2005), “The development process for entrepreneurial innovations”, International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ottenbacher, M. (2004), “What distinguishes successful hospitality innovations”, APacCHRIE Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Phuket, Thailand

Ottenbacher, M.(2003), “What distinguishes successful new services in the hospitality industry”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Ottenbacher, M.and Shaw, V. (2003), “The impact of employee management on NSD success”, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland

Ottenbacher, M. and Shaw, V. (2002), “New service development in the hospitality sector: The role of employees”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

Ottenbacher, M.and Shaw, V. (2002), “The role of employee management in NSD: Preliminary results from a study of the hospitality sector”, 2002 Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Research Conference, Orlando, USA

Ottenbacher, M. and Shaw, V. (2002), “The impact of employee management on new service development success”, 11th Annual AMA Frontiers in Services Conference, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

Ottenbacher, M.(2001), “New service development in the hospitality industry”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Ottenbacher, M.(2001), “Successful new service development in the hospitality industry”, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Colloquium for Doctoral Students, Bergen, Norway

Ottenbacher, M.and Shaw, V. (2001), “New service development in the hospitality sector”, Australasian Services Research Workshop, University of Otago, New Zealand, pp.34-35 (ISBN 1 877156 17 05)