Buddy Program of the Faculty of Engineering

What is the Buddy Program?

Every semester, exchange students (Incomings) come to Heilbronn University and plunge into the unknown adventure of a semester abroad - with many new challenges, be it integration in a foreign country, culture or language barrier.

In order to give our international students a good start into student life, we provide them with a buddy to help them with an intercultural exchange.

The buddy is a reliable contact person and supports the incoming students with student and private matters during the semester.

Gruppe mit internationalen Studierenden sitzt und spricht an einem Schreibtisch.

Why be a buddy?

  • You expand your intercultural skills
  • You can improve your English skills or learn another language
  • You can make new friends
  • You can earn plus points for your application for a semester abroad
  • After submitting a 1-page report, you will receive a certificate of the commitment made. Under certain conditions you may also receive ECTS in studium generale

What do we expect from you?

  • Openness towards other people and cultures
  • Fun with intercultural learning
  • Support with questions about studying and living in Heilbronn
  • Willingness to take time for his/her buddy
  • Participation in joint events (scheduling, exam registration, get-together)

Interest aroused? Join NOW!

Please fill out the application form and send it to:  te-international@hs-heilbronn.de

Registration deadline for the Summer Semester 2024: 05.02.2024