What you learn

The graduate course leadership provides a comprehensive insight into historical and modern leadership theories, as well as their practical trends. Students learn about transactional and transformational leadership styles to understand their effects and applications. Through case studies, they reflect on real leadership situations and their theoretical foundations. They receive tools for self-assessment and development of their leadership qualities, where teamwork and conflict management are also addressed. Additionally, the importance of culture, ethics, and diversity in today's globalized work environment is emphasized.

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05.03.25Start Summer 2025
Blocked class
2. SemesterTeacher: Prof. Dr. Susanne Wilpers
and invited guest lecturers
23.05.25Finish Summer 2025
Blocked ​class
reflection report, class summer 2023

Helped me to improve my weaknesses ‚understanding leadership‘ and ‚practice ethical behavior‘

reflection report, class summer 2023

How you learn

Teaching, learning, and assessment methods:

Lectures and seminars in the field of leadership, group projects and case study analyses, interactive workshops and role-playing games, self-reflection tasks, psychological tests, and peer feedback sessions.

Your learning experience

Subject Expertise: Knowledge and Understanding (Learning Objectives)

Students gain deep insights into leadership theories such as transactional and transformational approaches and their effects on motivation and teamwork. The importance of emotional intelligence, ethical principles, and social responsibility in a leadership role is emphasized, as well as the adaptation of these concepts in diverse work contexts. They learn to actively promote innovation and change management, and assess their knowledge through case studies, discussions, and presentations.

Subject Expertise: Skill, Knowledge Acquisition

Students train practical leadership skills and decision-making competencies by applying theories to real-world problems. Interactive methods such as workshops and role-plays sharpen their communication and conflict management skills. Self-reflection and group projects foster personal development and strategic competencies in leadership roles.

Personal Competence: Social Skills

Students learn to optimize teamwork by integrating different perspectives and improve their communication and feedback culture through group projects. They train to resolve conflicts empathetically and ethically and create a work environment that stimulates creativity and innovation.

Personal Competence: Independence

The students practice making independent decisions and taking responsibility in leadership roles, as well as self-directed learning for their continuous development. Through self-reflection, they recognize their leadership qualities and styles, learn to proactively meet challenges, and find creative solutions. They are encouraged to bring initiative and a spirit of innovation into their projects.


creative room




conference visits

mess personal

Facts and other information

3blocked weeks
Englishclass language

Assessment (example Winter 2024/25, may change)

1. Preassignment: Individual Assignment Due Day 1 of the Course: The pre-assignment consists of an individual PowerPoint presentation (max 5 pages) about the leadership style of a company of your choice. Pick a random company, describe its leadership approach, the challenges of the leadership style, and your personal opinion of the leadership style. Present the PowerPoint and be prepared for questions.

2. Reflection paper: On the first day of class, you will have the opportunity to test your own leadership skills with a leadership self-assessment survey. Depending on your individual results, you should reflect on the goals in which field of leadership skills you would like to gather more experience through our leadership class. A reflection paper template to document your results will be presented in class and has to be handed in one day after our final class.

3. Knowledge Tests:Quizzes in Ilias (Multiple Choice) will be given at the end of each theory lecture.

4. Participation: Participation is composed of attendance at all contact hours and the quality and quantity of contributions in class, including self-exploration, role plays, and case studies. Detailed rubrics will be presented at the kick-off.

5.“Follow your idol” Blog: During the weeks of our class, you will have to follow a leader (a person of interest, alive) on social media and analyze their tweets, LinkedIn, Instagram pages, etc., for their leadership strategy.

6. Final: Case assignment: On Day 1 of the class, students will be divided into groups. Each group will receive a specific leadership approach. The final project is an analysis of this leadership approach and its application. The tasks are to:

  • Explain the approach (ppt, 30 minutes)
  • Search benchmark studies on the most prominent successful examples of your topic (10 minutes)
  • Develop a leadership training exercise and execution (20 minutes)
  • The team assignment is due on the last day of the course, including a peer-evaluation.

Peter Northouse about leadership in an interview

You find all course relevant information like syllabus, timetable, literature, roleplay instructions, psychological tests in the according ILIAS folder.

Read before class


Didactic Experiment Mindfulness 2023: 

HUGS Goes Yoga

Many large German corporations have now recognized the importance of mindfulness in life and that this topic should also be integrated into everyday professional life. In a didactic experiment in the summer semester of 2023, we started our 'Leadership' course in the Master's program at MU with yoga and mindfulness on every lecture day of the blocked event. Starting the day with mindfulness and yoga makes it so much more beautiful! My thanks go to the motivated students :-) 

Due to the positive feedback from the participants we will integrate different mindfulness activities into the curriculum of the course.

Yoga leadership

A warm welcome in other languages

Thanks to AI (HeyGen) you  find a warm welcome below also in italian, english, korean, arabic, spanish, turkish, mandarin, hindi & polish, french, greek, tamil


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