Lighthouse Project COIL HHN-UR-Rwanda 2024

COIL Project for International Development Cooperation 2024

We are happy to announce, that our COIL 2024 has successfully been finished. Financed by the EU KA171 project and additional private sponsorship, this support has made it possible to cover unexpected additional higher administration and travel costs. This intercultural experience marks the second COIL in our fruitful collaboration between the University of Rwanda and Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.

Facts from the COIL 2024

83%of the participating students would like the COIL to be integrated in the curriculum
6weeks of virtual meetings before the COIL teams met face to face
43students from Germany and Rwanda participated


As part of the COIL project (COIL stands for Collaborative International Learning) for international development cooperation in the Master's course Leadership (MU/HUGS), students in interdisciplinary German-Rwandan teams developed business concepts for a technologically innovative application for the Rwandan market. The students aligned their work with the seventeen global sustainability goals of the United Nations. In the COIL Project 2024, after a virtual COIL phase (April-May), the project presentations took place in a one-week in-person phase in Germany in June 2024. For this purpose, 17 Rwandan students, funded by EU funds (KA 171) and private sponsoring, came to Heilbronn.

The students worked in interdisciplinary teams with business administration and engineering students both in Germany and in the partner country Rwanda. Together, they developed product ideas and innovations that advanced to a defined level of maturity.

  • The project content included:
  • Development of a product idea with a feasibility analysis
  • Submission of a technical concept
  • Contribution to a market analysis
  • Estimation of the product's manufacturability in the target country
  • Contribution to the evaluation of the product's economic viability

The project was closely supervised by lecturers from the partner universities (Hochschule Heilbronn and University of Rwanda). Reviews in the form of lectures and presentations served project management and provided early, close-knit feedback.

Meet the initiators behind the COIL in Video

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Meet the participants of the COIL 2024

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Learning Objectives for Students in this Project

  • Students recognize and understand the importance of ethics in personal and societal contexts as well as in relation to the economy.
  • Students are empowered to argue convincingly.
  • Students can identify, analyze, and appropriately solve intercultural problems with entrepreneurial thinking.
  • Students can weigh and evaluate the pros and cons of alternative solutions to problems.
  • Students can adequately present the results of their analyses both in teams and individually, in presentations and written reports.
  • Students successfully develop their active and passive critical thinking skills.
  • Our graduates demonstrate social, ecological, and ethical awareness.

 COIL Topics 2024

Five different COIL teams worked on different interesting start-up ideas.

The project aims to create a domestic production system for biomass fuel pellets and briquettes in Rwanda, using renewable organic waste materials as feedstock. This clean, efficient fuel source will contribute to Rwanda's sustainable energy strategy, improve air quality, create jobs, and empower communities through a sustainable energy solution. By promoting the use of organic waste materials, the initiative aims to improve waste management practices and stimulate economic growth in rural communities. Additionally, the project seeks to integrate energy-efficient cooking technologies, ensuring that households and institutions benefit from clean, efficient, and cost-effective cooking solutions.

Our idea involves establishing a company in Rwanda that offers internship programs, short courses focusing on technical and technology-related skills, and training services. The target market includes students at Rwanda Polytechnic and universities, Rwandan citizens seeking short-term skill development courses, government and non-government organizations looking to train their employees, as well as individuals aiming to enhance their knowledge capacity.

In the production of sugar, which many farmers in Rwanda rely on for their livelihood, a significant amount of waste is generated. We aim to use the sugarcane fibers to produce reusable shopping bags. Additionally, by using these reusable bags, we reduce waste since new single-use plastic bags are not used for every purchase.

We aim to establish a company that provides plug-and-play systems for harnessing solar energy in rural regions of Rwanda. We will offer a complete service from installation and commissioning to maintenance, including simplified financing.

The proposed project focuses on recycling waste to produce soundproofing material, with a specific emphasis on additionally utilizing banana fibers. This initiative aims to create sustainable indoor soundproofing solutions tailored to the Rwandan market.

Agenda 03.-09. June 2024

Monday: 03.06.2024

Arrival HHN in the evening 

Tuesday: 04.06.2024

  • Morning: Intercultural Training: Rwandan & German students
  • Afternoon: COIL group work: Rwandan & German students


  • Morning: COIL group work: Rwandan & German students
  • Afternoon: Läpple Company 
  • Evening: Optional- COIL Group Work

Thursday: 06.06.2024

  • Morning: Campus Rallye
  • Afternoon: COIL group work:  Rwandan & German students
  • Late Afternoon: Experimenta visit
  • Evening: Optional-COIL Group Work

Friday: 07.06.2024

  • COIL final presentations, Students and invited guests, 10 
  • Afternoon: Visit Technical University Munich CEO Leadership series
  • Farewell party

Saturday: 08.06.2024

  • Cultural Program 

Sunday: 09.06.2024

  • Departure
Campus Ralley
Leadership Series

Impressions COIL 2024 in Video

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Feedback to the COIL 2024

Feedback COIL
COIL Feedback 2
Feedback COIL 3

Quotes from the participants

COIL student participant

I enjoyed the idea and concept of the project. It can be an amazing project

COIL student participant


COIL Organizational Team Heilbronn

COIL Organizational Team University of Rwanda

Prof. Dr. Raymond Ndikumana, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Strategic Planning and Administration, UR

Prof. Dr. Jean Claude Byungura, Associate Professor, Business Informatics ,UR

Prof. Dr. Jonas Barayandema, Dean Business Management, UR

Dr. Bernard Munyazikwiye, Head of Department, Mechanical and Energy Engineering

Impressions COIL June 2024

1. Kick Off Day: Impressions Intercultural Training
2. COIL Impressions and Company visit Läpple
3. Impressions Campus Ralley and Experimenta Visit
4. Final COIL presentations