Final Thesis

Bachelor- and Masterthesis

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Bachelorthesis: information for international students

The bachelor's or master's thesis marks the end of your studies. I'll be happy to support you! On this page you will find the requirements if you want to write it with me.


You are studying Business Administration and have chosen to focus on “Human Resources Management” or “International Management”.

Additionally, you write either empirical or while working in a company.

Unfortunately, I no longer supervise all other focal points or pure theoretical works because of ChatGPT!

Studenten werfen ihre Graduierungshüte in den blauen Himmel


You study HUGS, MU and have a topic in the area of "human resources management" or "internationalization" and write either empirically or in a company.

Unfortunately, I no longer supervise theoretical work because of ChatGPT!

All further information on topics, abstracts of previous theses, deadlines, project outline, evaluation criteria, number of pages, ChatGPT, FAQs, etc. can be found in my special ILIAS folder for final theses "Bachelor's and Master's thesis".

Suggestions for final theses

Please note: I currently have vacancies again (February 2024) to supervise theses. Please book a consultation hour in ILIAS if you would like to write a paper with me.

Current status: 05.02.2024

  • How to find local staff for a foreign branch. Example country: XY
  • Gender Pay Gap: Minimization by making work in the home office more flexible? 

  • How the Nobel Prize in Economics can be re-discussed in 2023.

  • Wellbeing as a location factor: An empirical study between India, New Zealand and Germany (questionnaire already available)

  • Applying via a beer mat: Trends in Blue Collar Recruiting

  • VR glasses in recruiting

  • Gamification in Recruitment (reserved)

  • Benchmark analysis of talent search tools

  • Labor market trends

  • Women's quota, a success factor for equality?

  • Minimizing discrimination through AI tools: How can this be achieved?

  • Nothing there? Suggest your own topic...

FAQ's about theses and factsheet


Here you can find answers for freqently asked questions. More about this on the intranet.

The bachelor's thesis can be started after the bachelor's SPO after the practical semester. According to the study plan, it is planned for the seventh semester. According to the SPO, the processing time for the bachelor's thesis is generally four months and for the master's thesis is generally six months. The processing time can be extended by another two months at the student's request, which must be submitted in good time before the deadline expires. At many companies, the processing time for a practical topic - regardless of whether it is a bachelor's or master's thesis - is set at six months. However, please do not expect the processing time to be automatically extended if you want it. There must be a valid reason. This is NOT starting a new job, for example!

There has been a pre-recognition procedure for the master's thesis since the summer semester of 2021. You must first apply to the HUGS program director for me to be assigned to you as your supervisor. For more information, please contact Ms. Dänner.

My areas of content are human resources management, internationalization and business psychology.

I am often overwhelmed with requests for care. I therefore only accept theses if I know the students personally and I am also interested in the topic. You must therefore not take it personally if I unfortunately have to refuse your care in individual cases due to overload. Some topics could also be supervised by my colleagues. In this case, I can also act as a second proofreader. In my ILIAS folder for bachelor's and master's theses, you will always find current topic suggestions.

My personal evaluation criteria for seminar and final theses can be found summarized in the evaluation matrix/rubrics (see below for download).

No, that depends entirely on the project! The average length of work in recent years has been between 60 and 80 pages for bachelor's theses and between 60 and 100 pages for master's theses (excluding appendixes, bibliography, etc.). You decide your commitment. For the same reasons, there is no minimum number of quotations or sources.

First, write a project outline that contains, on a maximum of three A4 pages, the subject of the study (i.e. the topic), the goals of the work, the methods and instruments (research, literature work, questionnaires, interviews, etc.) that you want to use, and contains a rough schedule. The sketch should ideally represent a kind of “requirements specification” for your work. If necessary, coordinate this sketch first with your supervisor in the company and then with me. You only need to create a rough outline once you have started working. You can find an example of a project sketch in my ILIAS folder.

For the BU and MU degree programs, the standard work by Manuel René Theisen, Scientific work: Successful with bachelor's and master's theses, Vahlen-Verlag, in the current edition, is fundamental. You can also get the book as an e-book from LIV. There are also citation guidelines for the BU/MU degree programs, which you can find at Ilias. If you have any further questions, please contact me directly.

Since the introduction of CHATGPT in November 2022, I am currently refraining from theoretical theses. In order to regulate the usage of KI tools, the faculty formulated a new affidavit in winter semester 23/24. You can find the link to it in myILIAS folder.

Yes, every thesis is checked with the plagiarism scanner “Plagscan”. Therefore, pay attention to precise citations (e.g. “cf” leads to plagiarism detection). In individual cases, we also test with AI detection software.

Theory (currently not possible)

In a theory work, it is generally a little more difficult to achieve a really good grade because you have to put in a lot of personal effort and develop your own ideas. With the introduction of Chatgpt, I am also refraining from supervising theoretical work for the time being.


A practical thesis is therefore fundamentally easier and is therefore recommended by me. However, this only applies, in principle yes, if the general conditions are right:

Genuine interest in the topic

Clear and feasible targets from the supporting company

Continuous support (advice, information, support with mailings, etc.) from the supporting company

The representable time frame for the tasks to be completed

Adequate pay and/or opportunity for future employment


Most students choose the quantitative version in an empirical work with a questionnaire evaluation, which is often followed by a qualitative interview study.

I accept every version. You can write anything with me.

In exceptional cases you can extend the processing time.

§26 paragraph 5 SPO AT:

The processing time for a bachelor's thesis can vary due to reasons that the Students who are not responsible are extended by a maximum of two months to six months. If the submission is not made after this processing period has expired, the work can be graded with 5.0.

Examples of unreasonable reasons:

Illness (-> certificate required as proof and extension only possible for the period of illness)

Caring for family members in need of care in the event of illness (e.g. child): proof required)

Delays in the company (e.g. data was available with a delay or similar; proof in the form of a confirmation letter from the company)

Extraordinary incidents for which the student is not responsible (proof required)

The following reasons are not eligible for an extension:

- stress

- moving the house

- secondary employment

- dissatisfaction with the quality

- vacation

- grandma was sick etc.

Simply applying is not a reason for an extension.

I generally have a digital consultation hour every Tuesday. Please book an appointment in ILIAS for this.

*This list of FAQ's is not exhaustive; You can find more in my ILIAS folder!


Typical structure of a bachelor thesis

Factsheet Englisch

FAQ's for GIU students

You can choose one of the topics we handed in to the GIU earlier this year or you can propose your own topic.

Just drop an email to We will answer your questions immediately

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Previous theses, rubrics & abstracts