FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about SEM


FAQ | Entry requirements & application process

The proof of your English language skills is compulsory. An English Bachelor's degree or working experience does not compensate for IELTS or any other test.

Yes! Typically students do a mandatory internship either at one of the research institutes at the faculty or they do a mandatory internship in the industry around Heilbronn. This internship is about 30 ECTS, i.e. 6 months full-time. Mostly students do this internship after they finished the courses of the first 2 semesters, before they start their master thesis.

Details about the internship can be found here:  (please note: this page belongs to the Intranet. Your login is required!)

You won't get an extra proof of your transferred money. As soon as the transfer of the semester and the tuition fee for the current semester has been initiated, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks to complete the re-registration in the system. After you have re-registered, you can print out your enrollment certificates and your student ID.

You will receive an invoice separately for your transferred tuition fees by the academic department after your enrollment. 

Please hand in a copy of your money transfer form with a stamp of your bank which shows us the date when you have transferred the fee (or, if you transfer it by online-banking a screen-shot of it). By the way, to transfer money from abroad please use the so-called IBAN-number on the left of the transfer slip. Regrettably, without a proof of the transfer of the application fee payment we cannot enroll you.

A template for your bank transfer can be downloaded here: https://www.hs-heilbronn.de/en/re-enrolment

Konstanz has no specific deadline for your application. You can apply at any time. But the recognition of certificates normally takes a minimum of 4-6 weeks. That is important to know for the deadline of the application for a study place at Heilbronn University (January 15th for summer semester, July 15th for winter semester). 

Yes, your original copies of your documents must be notarized. More information can be found at Studienkolleg website:

Prospective students from Non-EU countries will have to apply for a visa before coming to Germany. Please contact the German Embassy or German Consulate in your home country. To apply for a visa, you will need a "letter of admission" from Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.

Stadt Heilbronn
Marktplatz 7
74072 Heilbronn 

Tel. 07131 56-0 | Fax 07131 56-29 99
E-Mail: posteingang@heilbronn.de


FAQ | During your studies

As a rule, the period for a leave of absence should not exceed two semesters. Different regulations apply to childcare or the care of close relatives. Please contact the family service at Heilbronn University: familie@hs-heilbronn.de

For your semester of leave you have to pay the semester fee only. Tuition fees are excluded in a semester of leave. 

Students are only allowed to work 120 full days and 240 half days per calendar year. If the employment or internship is mandatory for the studies, the 120 days do not count. However, if it is a voluntary employment or to finance the livelihood, then the 120 days may not be exceeded.  Exceptional cases may occur – therefore please contact the Foreigners Authority at the Federal Employment Agency: buergeramt@heilbronn.de

Yes that is possible. All credits a student did in the first semester in SEM (according to our regulations) count for this program.

Sure, that is possible. An example: for the module of Advanced Computer Science you need to have 6 ECTS in the  1st semester. So if you take Product and Quality Management (4 ECTS) + another course with 3 ETCS you have 7 ECTS and would fulfill the minimum number of ECTS for the module. 6 ECTS is just the minimum number you need. You can take more if you want to, but not less.

Towards the end of your studies in SEM (before or after your thesis) you have to fill in a form which resembles a transcript, in order to inform the registrar’s office (Prüfungsamt) about your choice of Profile.

This document and other helpful forms are available at the students intranet (login with your university credentials)

Yes! You can access our job database via the following link: https://www.hs-heilbronn.de/de/jobboerse In case of any questions you can contact Ms. Rose-Marie Lutsch: rose-marie.lutsch@hs-heilbronn.de

There are various scholarships that provide financial aid to the students of Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences. The following section gives you an overview of the scholarships available and provides important information on the criteria for scholarship as well as the scholarship amount. For further details, please visit the websitehttps://www.hs-heilbronn.de/en/scholarships and refer to the contact persons listed for the university or the respective organisation.

Please note: this page is part of the "students intranet". Your login is required!

Helpful pages for any questions