University's central services

There is a lot of support available to help you settle into your studies including from your study coordinator and the University's central services

From your study coordinator you might expect to receive:

  • An overview of the support services available.

  • Information on how the course is organised, who to refer to in case of difficulty and the arrangements for student representation.

  • Introduction to the learning environment and the resources available.

  • Information on the academic and ethical conventions and requirements pertinent to the field of study.

  • Information on the expectation of you, as a student, including assessments and finishing your studies on time.

Intercultural Mentoring Programme

By signing up as a mentee in this mentoring programme, you receive individual support by high achieving German student mentors and academic mentors in the process of integration into the German culture and university system. iMent also supports you with:

  • Pre-arrival supports
  • Welcome service, accommodation advising
  • Individual assistance with personal other questions
  • Connection to many other programmes and services on campus
  • iMent can be especially useful if you are not sure where to go and who to ask when you require information of any type

Study with child

Mastering a course of study and bringing up a child at the same time - the university and university-related organisations support you in meeting this challenge with a variety of services. You can obtain advice on how to balance studying and family life and find out about childcare options and possible ways of compensating for disadvantages at our office.

Equal Opportunities Representatives

Supports the university in its goal of developing a university culture based on diversity and equal opportunities, in which all its members can develop and contribute their individual abilities, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, age, social and religious background, disability or sexual orientation. It provides advice, support and mediation in cases of disadvantage and discrimination in studies and at work.

International Career Service

Our comprehensive range of counselling and coaching services for all questions concerning the transition from study to work is located at the Career Service. At the beginning and during the further course of studies it is important to link the content of the course and other skills with concrete possible fields of work. With our wide range of counselling services, we provide personal and individual support for your questions on the topics of career orientation, profile training, applications and professional appearance in job interviews. WebSeminars with different focal points complement the offer and bring you into contact with potential employers.

Career Service

Career Service supports you with a series of events, advisory services and a career platform with job offers to help you start your professional life. The series of events includes webinars, lectures and workshops on the topics of job application and career entry. On several dates during the semester, it offers individual consultations and application folder checks.

Psychosocial counselling center

If your studies come to a standstill, the advisors at the Central Student Advisory Office will be happy to help you. The psychosocial counselling centre also offers you psychotherapeutic support. Of course, the trained counsellors are also bound by the duty of confidentiality.

Studying with disability

Our advisors support and advise you on options such as compensating for disadvantages or extending your study period. The advisors are responsible for any form of disability, regardless of whether physical, psychological or other restrictions make studying difficult for you.

STARTKLAR Start-Up Centre

STARTKAR is located in the Department of Research, Technology Transfer and Innovation and provides all those interested in setting up a business with a wide range of advice, methods, support and networking opportunities

Central Student Advisory Center

The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) is there for you throughout your studies. It offers assistance in the transition from school to university and in planning and designing your studies, e.g. Counselling to strengthen individual study success through:

Individual study planning and organisation

  • Testing of learning and working techniques in coping with exams, homework and lectures/presentations
  • Assistance in coping with exams (preparation for written and oral exams)
  • Counselling when changing subjects and developing new perspectives
  • Development of appropriate standards with regard to your own performance and study requirements
  • Solving communication problems during studies
  • Counselling in all life situations

The ZSB is a neutral body and treats your request confidentially - i.e. the consultation is subject to a duty of confidentiality. During the consultation, we work with you to find suitable solutions for your personal situation

General Studies

The General study program (Studium Generale) is a programme offered by the university free of charge to all students. In addition to their many and diverse activities, university academics and researchers offer a programme of public (evening) events during the semester on a voluntary, unpaid basis. It is aimed at students of all faculties, but also at all other interested audiences. Lectures, series of lectures on current and mostly interdisciplinary topics are often given by scientists and prominent speakers from abroad. The Studium Generale seeks to

  • address contemporary issues in the context of scientific research
  • deals with basic questions of human existence
  • offers discussions beyond the individual disciplines
  • provides information on issues of general interest
  • is dedicated to musical and sporting activities.

Foreign Language Center

Heilbronn University places great importance on promoting the foreign language and regional studies competence of its students. Therefore, numerous language courses are offered both across faculties and specifically for one subject area. The foreign language centre organises the foreign language courses in the Faculty of International Business as well as part of Studium Generale language courses in the Centre for Studies and Teaching.

Examination Office

If you have any questions regarding examinations, grades, thesis, exmatriculation, and certificates, please contact the contact person responsible for your degree programme at the Examination Office.

Student Secretariat

Student Secretariat answers the questions regarding the application process, admission, enrolment and re-registration.

Student Service Office

Student service office supports you as a central contact point in your everyday life as a student and helps you find the right contact person. In addition, you can pay any administrative fees that may be incurred in our office

International Office

The International Office supports you with the following :

  • Advice / Information on stays abroad and scholarship opportunities
  • Supervision of international exchange students (Incomings)
  • Application and processing of various other support and scholarship programmes


Scholarships provide financial support during the course of studies. Financial support is provided by scholarships for gifted students and private foundations. Grants are awarded according to the criteria of the church, political party, trade union or state institutions.