General Studies

What is General Studies?

The general study program does not include (non-curricular) seminars and events at the university that are not included in the curriculum. However, some students can get credit from the General Studies program as part of their studies (Please see your Study and Examination Regulations handbook). All students from the first semester and all employees at Heilbronn University are allowed to participate in the General Studies program. Some seminars are public, i.e. interested citizens can participate in these events by submitting a guest auditor application.

Seminars that can only be attended after students' basic studies and during the main studies are clearly marked in the program. The General study program is voluntary and an additional offer of the university organized by the Center for Study and Teaching (ZfSL).

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Dates General Studies Summer Term 2025

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Contact person for general studies

Location Heilbronn-Sontheim

Annemarie Zacharides
Annemarie Zacharides
Coordinator of the General Studies in Heilbronn, contact person for questions about General Studies courses at HHN

Location Heilbronn-Bildungscampus

Annemarie Zacharides
Annemarie Zacharides
Coordinator of the General Studies in Heilbronn, contact person for questions about General Studies courses at HHN
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Stefan Weitzenegger
Coordinator of languages in the General Studies in Heilbronn, contact person for questions about the language courses in Heilbronn

Location Künzelsau

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Brigitte Brath
Coordinator general studies in Künzelsau, contact person for questions about the events in Künzelsau
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Dipl.-oec. Annette Radwan-Brommer
Coordinator general studies in Künzelsau, contact person for questions about the events in Künzelsau

Location Schwäbisch Hall

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Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Ina Mottl
Coordinator general studies in Schwäbisch Hall, contact person for questions about the events in Schwäbisch Hall

In the General Study program, very different contents from the different areas are conveyed. The students receive insights beyond what they learn in their own field of study. The aim is to acquire additional qualifications. It is possible to develop your own personality, to improve general knowledge, to stand out when choosing a career and think in a networkde and strategic manner.

The General study program comprises five areas in which courses are offered: Ethics, Environment & Sustainability; IT & Technology; Personal Excellence & Culture; Politics, Economy & Society; Languages

Company’s HR departments highly value the various additional qualifications. Students can also earn extra points as applicants if certificates from the general study program, the general study certificate or the “Ethikum” are included in their application documents. In addition to the versatility and flexibility in thinking that the students demonstrate, the companies particularly appreciate the extra portion of commitment during their studies.

It can be confusing for beginners that some faculties also offer General Studies as a compulsory or elective area. These faculty events are partly integrated into the Centre for Study and Teaching's General Study program and are recognized in most cases if they have not already been credited to the faculty. Conversely, courses from the Centre for Study and Teaching's General Study program can also be attended in the compulsory elective area. Here, the possibility of being credited in the faculty depends on the students' respective Study and Examination Regulations.

The guidelines are intended to be a simple guide through the General Study program to the students. If there are any further questions, these may already have been answered under the frequently asked questions.

Do you have a question that cannot be answered? Then contact us at: