Centre for Study and Teaching

What is the Centre of Study and Teaching?

The Center for Study and Teaching (ZfSL) bundles all extracurricular teaching and further training measures for students and the implementation of measures that promote teaching. It has set itself the goal of improving the quality of study conditions and study results and promoting the personal, social and cultural skills of students and teachers across faculties. The Center for Study and Teaching, therefore, takes on a service function for all students and for the faculties.

Studierende sutzen im Hörsaal schauen auf Tablet

The Center for Study and Teaching orients itself with its service on the European reference framework for key competences for lifelong learning. The frame of reference comprises eight key competencies:

Foreign language competence is extensively promoted by the languages ​​department, in Arabic, Chinese, German as a foreign language, English, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

Learning competence, which is promoted by the didactics. There are extensive offers for students, lecturers, and professors.

The General Study promotes social skills, civic skills, native language skills and initiative and entrepreneurial skills in various events.

The area of e-learning and e-assessment supports computer skills. A newly established e-learning and testing laboratory, as well as the ILIAS learning platform and various other interdisciplinary projects, have already been implemented.

Cultural awareness and cultural expression are promoted through culture, languages, ethics as well as sport and exercise.

The Institute for Mathematical and Scientific Basics (IfG), connected to the Center for Study and Teaching via the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching, promotes mathematical and scientific-technical competence.

Administrative order and structure

The classification of the Center for Study and Teaching at Heilbronn University can be downloaded below, as well as the ZfSL administrative regulations. These statutes were adopted in February 2016 and are still valid today.