Family Service

Are you pregnant or do you already have children?

We will be happy to help you with any questions and problems you may have around studying.

For example, we can advise on:

  • Rules for studying fathers and mothers (taking exams, family-friendly study periods, extension of the duration of study)
  • Financing of studies with a child
  • Childcare facilities on the campuses 

For individual advice on planning your course of study, please contact the academic counseling for your degree programme directly. A discussion with the programme coordinator of your degree programme can also be helpful.

Please make an appointment by e-mail.


Are you interested in current offers and information about our family service, free childcare places etc.? Let us add you to our e-mail distribution list:

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During Pregnancy

We will be happy to advise you during your pregnancy and recommend that you report it. This safeguards your rights under the Maternity Protection Act.

As soon as you are aware of your pregnancy, please complete the pregnancy notification form and forward it to Family Services.  We will then contact you and initiate the next steps. Breastfeeding mothers are also protected by law.

According to the General Examination Regulations (§ 8 (3) BA bzw. § 7 (3) MA), special regulations apply to you regarding compensation for disadvantages for examinations whose examination period falls within the statutory maternity protection period.

Please speak to the head of degree programme or lecturers about which examinations can be converted to alternative examination forms. You can find the application form for the examination board in the
download area. Once the application form has been completed, please sent it to the Family Service.

When your statutory maternity leave begins, you are entitled to a special form of leave. You can take up to 6 semesters of leave per child up to the age of 10 for "childcare". Further information can be found here.


Der Eltern-Kind-Raum am Campus Sontheim hat einen Ruhesessel, eine Liege sowie Spielsachen für Kinder.

Sontheim Campus

Room A 715

Der Eltern-Kind-Raum am Bildungscampus hat Spielsachen sowie Sessel und Arbeitsplatz.

Education Campus

Building R (LIV), Room 2.10

You will receive a CampusCard with locking authorisation for the parent-child room at the information desk (LIV) during staffed opening hours (Mon-Fri 08:00-18:00). Please return the card on the same day.

Please report to the temporary staff in the evening and on Saturdays to have the parent-child room opened.

Künzelsau Campus

Building A, Room 007

Schwäbisch Hall Campus

Building A, Room 201

Child care

Heilbronn University has a total of 20 places for children aged 8 weeks to 6 years in the Anne-Frank-Kita Robert-Bosch-Straße in Heilbronn-Sontheim. Students and employees who are interested in a place should contact Birgit Englert from the family service.

For students and employees of all facilities on the education campus, there are a total of 10 places for children from 8 weeks to 6 years in the Neckarbogen day care center. The contact person is Sabina Schmidt (Dieter Schwarz Stiftung). You can also find information here.

In municipal childcare facilities in Künzelsau, children from one year or from two years of age are accepted.

Children of members of the Reinhold Würth University are admitted to municipal institutions regardless of their primary residence.

You can find an overview of the childcare options in Schwäbisch Hall here.

Other offers of support

With the kind support of  Heilbronn University's Förderkreis, we are able to reimburse costs for a babysitter to enable you to participate in lectures outside opening hours of daycare facilities.

For all further information, please contact Birgit Englert from family service.

Logo des Förderkreises der Hochschule Heilbronn

The Heidelberg Students’ Union ‘Mensa for Kids’ scheme in Heilbronn and Künzelsau allows children up to the age of 10 to eat free of charge with their parents in the university cafeteria.

Social cards for parking at the Bildungscampus

Students at HHN, DHBW, TUM are eligible to apply if they fulfil one of the following requirements, which must be proven in a suitable form:  

  • Severe disability
  • Care of family members in need of care or care of children up to and including 10 years of age
  • Volunteer helpers in civil protection services (fire brigade, THW, etc.) who have to provide services on call
  • Unfavourable connections between home and the educational campus by public transport.

Please send the completed application form by e-mail to

Please submit the application no later than 2 weeks after the start of lectures.

Explanations and application for downloadwnload

Accessible at our locations

You will find disabled parking spaces directly in front of building A (main entrance), access via Max-Planck-Straße.

Das Bild zeigt die Behindertenparkplätze am Campus Sontheim vor dem Gebäude A/Haupteingang.

You will find disabled parking spaces in front of building G in the inner courtyard.  Access via Robert-Bosch-Straße and the barrier at the staff car park.

Das Bild zeigt 2 Behindertenparkplätze

Next to the two main entrance doors, there is an automatic door that can be opened from the outside with the Euro key. From the inside there is a button for opening the door.

Das Bild zeigt die Euro-Schließung am Haupteingang Campus Sontheim.
Das Bild zeigt die automatische Türe neben den Haupteingangstüren.

The ramp provides barrier-free access to the vending machines and the parent-child room in building A.

Das Bild zeigt die Rampe, die zum Gebäude D führt

The ramp provides barrier-free access to the offices of The General Student Committee and Building E/F.

Das Bild zeigt die Rampe im Gebäude A für den barrierefreien Übergang zu Gebäude E/F

All levels can be reached via the lifts.

Das Bild zeigt die 3 Aufzüge im Gebäude A am Campus Sontheim.

The accessible toilet is located in A 118/119 and is fitted with a Eurokey lock.

Das Bild zeigt die Türe zur barrierefreien Toiletten im Gebäude A.

There is barrier-free access from the inner courtyard to the assembly hall, canteen and cafeteria.

Das Bild zeigt die beiden Eingangstüren vom Innenhof aus zu Mensa, Cafeteria und Aula am Campus Sontheim.

The basement and first floor levels (assembly hall, Central Student Advisory Service) can be reached via the lift.

Das Bild zeigt den Aufzug in Gebäude B.

The accessible toilet in the basement is fitted with a Eurokey lock.

Das Bild zeigt die Türe zur barrierefreien Toilette im Gebäude B.

There is access into the building from the inner courtyard with an automatic door opener.

Eingang zum Gebäude C mit automatischem Türöffner.

All levels can be reached via the lift.

Über den Aufzug sind alle Ebenen erreichbar.

You have barrier-free access to building D via the ramp.

Das Bild zeigt die Rampe, die zum Gebäude D führt

You have access to building D via the door with automatic opening.

Das Bild zeigt die automatische Glastüre zum Gebäude D

Lecture theatre D002 has 2 wheelchair accessible spaces.

Das Bild zeigt das Türschild zum Hörsaal D002

All levels are accessible via the lift in building D.

Das Bild zeigt den Aufzug im Gebäude D

The student common area in room D 010 offers workstations with wheelchair access. Access is possible at ground level or via the lift.

Das Bild zeigt einen unterfahrbaren Arbeitsplatz

The accessible toilet is in room D 007 B.

Das Bild zeigt die barrierefreie Toilette in Raum D 007 B

You have barrier-free access to building E via the ramp.

Das Bild zeigt die Rampe zum Gebäude E

Access to the library via the entrance door. An automatic door opener is provided.

Türe zum Gebäude E mit automatischem Türöffner.

Access to Building F is via the inner courtyard.

Eingang zum Gebäude F über den Innenhof.

Access to all levels via the lift.

Aufzug für die Gebäude E und F.

Accessible toilet in Building F 0.58.

Barrierefreie Toilette im Gebäude F

Barrier-free access to Building F is via a ramp at the rear of the building.

Barrierefreier Zugang zum Gebäude G über die Rampe. Die Türe ist mit automatischer Öffnung.

The accessible toilet is on the ground floor right next to the lift. The door is fitted with a Eurokey lock.

Aufzug und barrierefreie Toilette im Erdgeschoss Gebäude G.

There are 3 accessible parking spaces for students in the multistorey car park (east), access from Dammstraße 1.

3 barrierefreie Parkplätze im Parkhaus Ost für Studierende

There are 3 accessible parking spaces for staff members and guests in the multistorey car park (west), access from Weiperstraße 51.

3 barrierefreie Parkplätze im Parkhaus West für Mitarbeitende und Gäste

Barrier-free entrance to Building M with the cafeteria.

Das Bild zeigt den Eingang zum Gebäude M, der Cafeteria.

Access to the canteen at the Education Campus, the hospitality level can be reached via lift.

Das Bild zeigt den Eingang zur Mensa am Bildungscampus.

All levels can be reached via the lift.

Das Bild zeigt die beiden Aufzüge im Gebäude N.

The accessible toilets are located in the basement of N.U.14 and N.4.53.

Das Bild zeigt das Türschild zur barrierefreien Toilette im Untergeschoss.
Das Bild zeigt das Türschild der barrierefreien Toilette im 4. Stock.

Barrier-free access to Building N with automatic door.

Das Bild zeigt die Eingangstüre zum Gebäude N.

Entrance to the library is barrier-free with automatic door opening.

Das Bild zeigt den barrierefreien Zugang zur LIV-Bibliothek am Bildungscampus

There is an accessible toilet in Room R.0.40.

Das Bild zeigt das Türschild der barrierefreien Toilette mit Wickelmöglichkeit in R.0.40.

The first-aid room with changing facilities is in R.010.

Das Bild zeigt Türschild des Erste-Hilfe-Raums in R.0.10.

The entrance to the building is barrier-free with automatic door opening.

Das Bild zeigt den barrierefreien Zugang zum Gebäude S.

The accessible toilet can be found in S.0.54.

There is another accessible toilet with changing facilities in Room S.3.55.

Das Bild zeigt das Türschild der barrierefreien Toilette mit Wickelmöglichkeit in S.0.54.

The entrance to the building is barrier-free with automatic door opening.

Das Bild zeigt den barrierefreien Zugang zum Gebäude T.

In the auditorium T.V.50 (basement) there is a wheelchair accessible workspace on both sides of the first row. There is also an accessible toilet in room T.V.10.

There is an accessible toilet in Room T.3.64.

Tiefenhörsaal mit 2 unterfahrbaren Arbeitsplätzen in der ersten Reihe

Side entrance to Building A with ramp.

Barrierefreier Zugang zum Gebäude A über die Rampe mit Türöffner.

Entrance to Building D from car park.

Eingang zum Gebäude D vom Parkplatz aus

Entrance to building E is barrier-free with automatic door opening.

Barrierefreier Zugang zum Gebäude E mit Türöffner

Entranceto Building F with ramp.

Zugang über die Rampe zum Gebäude F

Entrance to Building G with ramp.

Das Bild zeigt den barrierefreien Zugang zum Gebäude G über die Rampe.

Barrier-free access to the Audimax in Building G.

Das Bild zeigt den Eingang zum Audimax am Campus Künzelsau im Gebäude G

Accessible toilets with changing facilities:

-  Building C, Rooms 003 and 102

-  Building D, Room 016

- Building E, ground floor foyer

- Building F, Room 016

- Building G, ground floor foyer

Changing facilities in room C 018.

Das Bild zeigt die Rampe für den barrierefreien Zugang zum Haupteingang.

Entrance to main building with ramp for barrier-free access.

Das Bild zeigt die Eingangstüre zum AStA-Büro.

The AStA office is accessible barrier-free via the ramp.

Barrierefreie Toilette Campus Schwäbisch Hall

The accessible toilet is in Room 007, Building A.

Das Bild zeigt den Treppenlift in der Menseria.

There is a stair lift in the Menseria.