Tuition fees

Semester fee: EUR 3,950

Total fees: EUR 15,800

Plus semester fees

Payable each semester

> Costs and Financing

Financial support
Providing the prerequisites have been met, the tuition fees and all other costs related to the studies can be claimed as income-related expenses, since they are not taxable within the meaning of the Section 19 German Framework Act for Higher Education (HRG). Your tax adviser or local tax office will provide you with more information.

Those seeking scholarships can get informed about current scholarship programmes on the following pages: University scholarship advisory service, and

Student loans
An additional way of financing your studies is to take out a student loan.
Further information is available from the “Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau” (KfW) or the “Deutsche Bildung AG”

Funding from your employer
Many companies provide financial support to their employees in continuing education and often pay all or part of tuition fees. It’s worth asking!