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Digital Business Psychology (diBsy) -

Innovative mindset for leadership & market development

diBsy is a unique master’s degree programme which rides on the digitalisation trend and translates into the specialisations of Human Resources and Sales management.

This distance learning degree programme is designed for all future leaders who want to actively shape digital transformation in a modern and intelligent manner.

Apply now!
Prof. Dr. Maren Lay, Studiendekanin diBsy
People Business is Future Business – Wir brauchen Transformationsexperten, die im digitalen Wandel die Qualität der Begegnung mit Mitarbeitern und Kunden auf das nächste Level bringen und neue Standards in HR und Vertrieb setzen!
Prof. Dr. Maren Lay, Studiendekanin diBsy

Course profile

Degree: Master of Arts
4 Semester: 90 ECTS
Language: German
Location: Schwäbisch Hall
Study form: Part-time
Start: Summer semester
Deadline: January 15
Fee: € 15,800

Course content

More flexible, quicker and more tightly-integrated! Digitalisation has already brought changes to our daily lives and work. How do people experience and act during this transformation? What futuristic solutions are needed in HR and Sales to avoid being pushed out of the market by digital competitors? The master's degree programme in Digital Business Psychology cracks this code, putting successful quality of interaction with employees and customers at the fore of psychological and economic matters.

Unlike other master's programmes in the field of business psychology, the digitalisation megatrend is at the heart of this degree programme. The degree programme is intentionally open to students from all industries and company sizes and provides them with comprehensive qualifications. The attractiveness of this study programme to students and companies stems from the combination of a demanding curriculum and organisational conditions and the demands of working at the same time. The master’s programme is based on compact blocks of lessons, coupled with guided self-study for preparatory and follow-up work in assignments.

> Special features of this degree programme

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Career prospects

Their comprehensive competence profile means there is a high demand for business psychologists in the workplace.
The diBsy degree programme is oriented towards both current and future challenges and guarantees you an invaluable competitive edge for your professional ambitions.

Graduates can expect attractive career prospects in companies of all sectors and sizes. diBsy qualifies students in particular for attractive management positions in HR and Sales. These include activity profiles that focus on employees, markets and customers, for example, in human resources and organisation, sales & e-commerce, customer experience management, etc. Other applications open up, for example, in coaching & consulting, transformation and change management as well as in strategic management or market research.

Main focus of studies

The third semester is geared towards the student’s chosen focus of studies. The university, with its individual areas of specialisation in "Human Resource Management & Digitalisation” and “Sales management & digitalisation” is offering a completely new learning format which brings together the interface between business administration and psychology like no other degree programme.

Modules “HR transformation”, “People Analytics” and “Digital HR project” belong to the specialisation Human Resource Management und Digitalisation.

“Market transformation", “Customer analytics” and “Digital marketing project” modules belong to the specialisation of Sales management & Digitalisation.

Symbolbild Digitalisierung

Programm of study

In the first two semesters, students acquire fundamental knowledge from the areas of psychology, management and digitalisation. Students from other departments are also given a quick insight into core discipline.

In the first semester the focus is on the following topic areas:

  • General and social-psychological aspects: Personality-, development and social psychology, marketing and sales psychology
  • General management: Humans & ethics, sustainability and digital process management
  • Working- and research methods: Basics of empirical research and qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Term-time practical project: Get to apply acquired knowledge in practice and try out task fields. The practical project helps develop skills and knowledge on competences.

In the second semester, the focus is on the following topic areas:

  • Working- and organisation-psychological aspects:
    Organisational psychology and agility, leadership and motivational psychology
  • Digital transformation management: Taking relevant legal aspects into account, students learn to accompany digital change projects in the company.
  • Digital methods: Focussing on the basics of predictive analytics, machine learning and collaborative methods that enable virtual collaboration, for example.
  • Term-time practical project: Get to apply acquired knowledge in practice and try out task fields. The practical project helps develop skills and knowledge on competences.

Since most business psychologists work in the areas of Sales and HR management, the third semester features three modules of individual focus depending on the particular interest of the student. Students can choose between two areas of specialisation Human Resource Management & Digitalisation and Sales Management & digitalisation and shape their personal profile by individual interests.

In the fourth and final semester, the personal and team competences of students are strengthened.

In the media- and interview course, students get training on how to make a convincing and authentic appearance in public, and, secondly, to know the rules of (social-) media. The latter promotes student's media skills, which enable a critical approach to the handling of information, and also appropriate and socially responsible conduct in the digital workplace and day-to-day life. In the Career Planning course, students are given the opportunity to reflect on development steps in the form of a profile- and potential analysis and to visualise their professional goals.

The seminar week is used to build team competences as well as the application and reinforcement of specialist and methodical knowledge.
As part of the excursion week (e.g., visit to the technology factory, conference visit) students work on study-specific case studies in teams. Finally, in the fourth semester, students write their Master's thesis using the scientific methods and skills acquired during their studies.

The distance learning master's programme combines in-person classes in the form of block courses and live streams thus offering working students high flexibility and the optimal compatibility between work and study. On-the-job projects and the practical portfolio for current topics from day-to-day work, allow students to apply the knowledge they have learned directly.

And how does this work in times of Corona? Our lecturers have extensive experience and the technical prerequisites to carry out all courses online. We can respond flexibly to the latest situation through the use of hybrid events (traditional in-person courses with virtual components).

Contact persons

Counselling interview

We will be happy to answer your questions and look forward to getting to know you!
Make an appointment for a face-to-face consultation and get to know your student advisor.

Note that due to current emergency operations, we currently offer a restricted telephone service!

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