Tourism is a highly dynamic, continuously expanding and developing phenomenon. Tourism needs managing. Activities in strategic planning, market research, e-commerce, project management and other specific management functions are becoming increasingly more significant. All these activities demand an international and intercultural approach. Our Master of Arts in International Tourism Management prepares first-degree graduates for a successful career in this vibrant and dynamic sector.
Apply now!
Alicia Galván, MITM Student
After my bachelor's, I wanted to do my Master studies in a place where I could have the most amazing experience. I looked at many universities around Germany and the MITM programme at the HHN very quickly became my top choice. I have been feeling welcome ever since I have started the application process. The amount of support that you receive at this university is incomparable. The professional environment due to the quality of the professors and classmates is extraordinary.
Alicia Galván, MITM Student


Degree: Master of Arts
3 Semester: 90 ECTS
Language: English
Location: Heilbronn Bildungscampus
Study form: Full-time
Start: Winter term
Deadline: July 15

Programme Overview

The Master of Arts International Tourism Management is a multidisciplinary Master Programme that has been created by the university's business faculties in close consultation with business, industry and the professionals in response to a challenging and rapidly developing organisational environment. The programme is dedicated to qualifying first-degree holders for management positions in globally-operating tourism organisations. With this Master programme, Heilbronn University provides students an international learning environment, the programme is delivered entirely in English. Students benefit from our favourable student to lecturer ratio and a clearly structured, time-efficient schedule (3 semesters, full-time programme).

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Career Perspectives

The tourism branch is an extremely diverse sector. As a result of its rapid growth, it offers excellent career prospects for MA International Tourism Management graduates. Job opportunities exist in a wide range of globally-operating local, regional, national and international tourism organisations. Potential employers include the various public sector institutions and non-profit organisations that regulate and promote the tourism industry, as well as private tourism companies.

Programme Structure

Students experience a period of intensive independent study. This allows them to progress at a speed suited to their individual needs and to work on their own initiative in areas which are of interest and value to them. Some more specific objectives of this approach are:

  • to introduce the students to the techniques of researching, organising and presenting the results of their work,
  • to stimulate critical thinking and logical analysis,
  • and to develop a sense of responsibility for attaining their goals.

The course content is founded on a sound theoretical basis and includes experience-based and hands-on forms of learning such as guided business simulations, case studies, project work and role plays.

A tutorial support service is offered for students on both an individual and a group basis.

Our MA International Tourism Management comprises three major stages:

The foundation stage in semester 1 familiarizes students with the fundamental issues of International Tourism Studies, Research methods as well as Business Management and its international aspects. Additionally they assess their current level of subject knowledge by participating in a Business Simulation game. Courses in the 1st semester include:

  • Quantitative Methods
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Contemporary Issues in International Tourism Management
  • E-Tourism
  • Business Simulation in Tourism Management
  • Specific Issues of International Management
  • Global Talent Management
  • Financial Management

Semester 2 offers advanced studies. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, this phase provides an opportunity to deepen the participants’ expertise in Business Management and Research Methodology. In addition, the students specialize in International Tourism Management by participating in a comprehensive tourism project. Courses in the 2nd semester include:

  • Tourism Policy, Planning & Development
  • Sustainable Tourism Management
  • Intercultural Management in Tourism
  • Destination Marketing
  • Hospitality Marketing
  • Tour Operator Marketing
  • Leading International Projects
  • Integrated Tourism Project
  • Quantitative Methods/Econometrics

Semester 3 is the Master Thesis stage which requires in-depth empirical research in the student’s chosen area. Ideally, the thesis is based on real situations in international tourism companies or organisations. Students have until the end of the 3rd semester (Feb 28/29) to register their thesis topic and then have 6 months from their date of registration to submit the final thesis.

Students have the possibility after the 2nd semester to spend a semester abroad or to complete an internship.  In this case, the Master Thesis is completed during a 4th semester.  The deadline for thesis topic registration remains Feb 28/29.

More information about study abroad opportunities at our partner universities can be found here.

Requirements and Application

The Master in International Tourism Management (MITM) programme is currently under redevelopment and will not take place in Winter Semester 2024/2025.  

The programme is expected to begin again in Winter Semester 2025/2026.  Applicants interested in studying an English-taught international business programme at Heilbronn University are encouraged to check out our Master in International Business & Intercultural Management programme.

More information: M.A. International Business & Intercultural Management

Further Information


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about our study programme?  Find answers to frequently asked questions here.

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