Career Service

A woman climbs up a staircase in front of a glass wall high up on a skyscraper. It reflects the invisible glas ceiling that women have to climb in order to achieve equality.

Career Service - When it comes to your career.

Online Career Portal
Frau vor Laptop freut sich.

On the online career portal you will find job vacancies, employer portraits and information on career events.

Application and Career Entry
Stuhlkreis Vortrag

Our online series of lectures and workshops will prepare you for a successful application and an optimal career start.

Counselling and Coaching
Mensch verzweifelt

We advise on the application process and career entry. We prepare for job interviews and provide support:

40% of recruiters  devote 2-5 minutes to the application  In this short period of time, the application documents have to stand out and be convincing. That is why it is important to invest time in your application documents  and have them checked.

Get to know your employer / Meet your employer


Mann sitzt in einem Liegestuhl an seinem Laptop
New Work*
New Work beschreibt moderne Arbeitsmodelle und -kulturen, die Flexibilität, Selbstbestimmung und die Nutzung digitaler Technologien in den Vordergrund stellen, um die Arbeitszufriedenheit und Produktivität zu erhöhen.
Zum Event
Zwei Menschen vor einem Laptop eine erklärt etwas
Beratung zu individuellen Bewerbungsstrategien und Karriereplanung, Arbeitsstellenvermittlung, etc.
Zum Event
Eine Frau steht mit zwei Personen am Tisch und erklärt diesen etwas
Karriereplanung – Eine erfüllende und nachhaltige Karriere gestalten*
Erfolg und persönliche Zufriedenheit stehen bei der Karriereplanung oft an erster Stelle. Aber was ist entscheidend, um ein individuelles und erfüllendes Arbeitsleben zu erreichen?
Zum Event


Contact us

Consultation time

Thursdays 16.15 pm - 16.45 pm | online

by appointment | at the Bildungscampus + Sontheim

Further counselling services

International Career Service

The International Career Service offers help to international students at Heilbronn University who would like to apply for a job in Germany and students who are interested in an internship abroad.


The individual career support programme WoMent is a cross-mentoring programme for female students and female Ph.D. students of the Heilbronn University.

Young Scientists

Our university offers young scientists a cooperative doctorates procedure.

Doctora - Women on the path to science

We would like to encourage women to examine the academic career path for themselves and, if necessary, to pursue a PhD.
Das Bild zeigt eine Ingenieurin vor einer technischen Zeichnung.

Gründungszentrum STARTKLAR (Start-up-Center)

STARTKLAR supports students and members of the Heilbronn University who are interested in founding a company to go their own way and actively shape the future. They are the contact persons for all questions regarding entrepreneurship and start-up culture at the university.

Reorientation and Termination of Studies

If you have doubts about the choice of your degree programme or whether studying is the right path for you at all, the team at the Central Student Advisory Centre of Heilbronn University will help you. They´re also helpful regarding questions about transferring to another degree programme at Heilbronn University.


Scholarships enable financial support during the studies. Support is provided by gifted scholarships and private foundations. The awarding of scholarships is based on the criteria of the church, political party, trade union or state institutions.
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