Das Bild zeigt Personalleiter Damir Baric.

14. Mai 202513:00 - 14:30

International Career Service / "Career Talk with HR Director Mr. Baric"

International Career Service

| Bildungscampus, Room T.0.10

Are you an international student? Would you like to know what HR managers look for in an application and in a candidate?

In this career talk in English, we will meet Mr. Damir Baric, HR director at the company Börsig GmbH based in Neckarsulm.

In an engaging interview, Mr. Baric will share valuable insights on building an international career, introduce his company, talk about the do’s and don’ts in the application process from his first-hand experience as an HR director.

After the interview, the participants can ask Mr. Baric their questions and engage in a stimulating discussion with other international students.

To sign up for this event, click here.