- University of Ljubljana, Slowenia
- Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
- University of Leon, Spain
- University of Gdansk, Poland
- Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Germany
The MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT is to improve the quality of e-learning through the development and implementation of the DigiMates innovative method for online game-based learning, which will not only increase the engagement of millennial students in the e-learning process, but also promote the acquisition of additional skillsets and enable virtual mobility. Due to the advancement of digitalization, the changing needs of the newest generation of students (i.e., Digital natives), and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need to provide high-quality e-learning and virtual mobility. Innovative teaching methods are needed to promote student engagement in e-learning and enable internationalisation at home.
The main goal of the project corresponds to the SPECIFIC GOALS:
SO1: To increase the quality of e-learning by providing a comprehensive, internationally applicable step-by-step guide for the development and maintainability of the quality assurance system in e-learning.
SO2: To increase the potential of HEIs to implement innovative teaching methods by employing a comprehensive approach to develop and implement the DigiMates method for online game-based learning
SO3: To increase the digital literacy of academic staff by providing an advanced online teaching program to improve the digital readiness of teachers for game-based e-learning.
INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS of the project are the following:
IO1: A step-by-step guidebook on how to establish and implement a quality assurance system for e-learning
IO2: An innovative online game-based teaching method that enhances student engagement and virtual mobility
IO3: An online training program for teachers, which will improve the competencies that teachers need to work in today's rapidly evolving learning environment
IO4: Established protocol for DigiMates virtual mobility and incorporation of the method into subject-specific courses
IO5: DigiMates Toolkit, i.e. established technical protocol with guidelines and tutorials for implementation of the DigiMates method for academic staff.
Start: 01. March 2021-28. February 2023