Heilbronn University will implement three lighthouse projects in the next 5 years and emerge successfully from the RegioWIN 2030 competition. The regional development concept of the Heilbronn-Franken region with the title "Heilbronn-Franken on the way into the future - change in a rural region" aims at the development of the region through lighthouse projects in the future topics artificial intelligence, personalized medicine and hydrogen technology. The award ceremony took place online on April 14, 2021.
A total of more than EUR 20 million will flow into the region. All three lighthouse projects will represent a point of attraction within the region for the respective competence area - AI, hydrogen and personalized medicine - which will result in the networking of the actors. At the same time, these competence centers will have a radiance beyond the region and thus make a significant contribution to increasing the attractiveness of the region through specific research activities.
In all three projects, HHN research professors cooperate with regional actors in order to increase the sustainability of the Heilbronn-Franken region.
Project sponsor: Heilbronn University
The Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences is already acting as a driving force behind the Heilbronn-Franken technology region with broad expertise in the field of artificial intelligence. With the AI-TRAQC project, this expertise will be expanded in the coming years in order to advance the digitization of the region for and with regional companies. This requires data analysts and experts in the field of AI and machine learning who cannot be acquired through the existing job market alone. Further training and qualification are therefore central components of the project, the aim of which is to promote the transfer between research and industry via so-called AI transfer bridges. "Three pillars are planned, namely the further training and qualification of employees in a qualification center, the scientific discussion and further development of AI in a science center and, thirdly, the support of AI-based entrepreneurship in an innovation hub." Explains Prof. Dr.- Ing. Raoul Daniel Zöllner, Research Professor for Autonomous Systems and Vice Rector for Research, Transfer, Innovation at Heilbronn University.
Project sponsor: Economic Development Area Heilbronn GmbH
In the Hydrogen Hub HN-F project, the transfer of knowledge between research and industry is also in the foreground. A test, application and transfer center is to be built at the DLR site in Lampoldshausen, which will offer test options with gaseous and liquid hydrogen that are unique in Europe. The aim is to support medium-sized companies in the development and testing of hydrogen technologies in order to promote innovative solutions from the generation of ideas to the marketability of systems and components. For companies and municipalities, there is direct added value through application-oriented scientific development and transfer activities as well as project-related advice. “The researchers at the LOGWERT competence center at Heilbronn University are very much looking forward to actively helping to shape the hydrogen future of the region in the coming years as part of the HN-F hydrogen hub. For us, it is particularly about supporting the sustainable use of hydrogen, e.g. in public transport and in logistics, "says Tobias Bernecker, research professor for transport logistics and sustainable mobility at Heilbronn University and head of the LOGWERT competence center.
Project sponsor: MOLIT Institut gGmbH
The I³-Lab project is about building up one's own molecular biological laboratory competence with a bio-bank. I³ stands for the linking of data science, core labs and clinical studies. “This interlocking provides a framework for the translation of innovations into the economy and thus promotes the development of the life science branch in the Heilbronn-Franken region. The lighthouse project will make the region more attractive for molecular biology experts. ”Emphasizes Prof. Dr. Christian Fegeler, research professor for interoperability and digital processes in medicine at the HHN and managing director of the MOLIT Institut gGmbH. The target groups are the scientific institutions in the region, the economy through an improved environment for start-ups in the life science sector or through the option of diversifying existing companies. For the service providers in the health sector, telemedical / digital intersectoral as well as personalized and data-driven supply concepts are being established in the region.
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