International Career Service

The International Career Service is a service for students of Heilbronn University.

We assist international students  starting their career in Germany. We help to navigate the German job market and support in the application process.  No matter whether it is internship, part-time job or career entry after your studies.

Even students who are interested in international jobs and internships can also seek advice from us.

The International Career Service is also represented with a group in ILIAS. Here you can find further information, worksheets and links on the topic of application and internship.

Fünf Menschen stehen entschlossen und lächelnd vor einer blauen Wand.

Our Services

Services for International Students

Auf dem Bild sind zwei internationale Studierende zu sehen, die an einem Tisch sitzen.
  • Application documents check
  • Career advising and resources to understand your employment options
  • Support your application through all phases
  • Events and trainings tailored to international students' needs

Internship abroad

Auf dem Bild sind vier Studierende abgebildet, die unterschiedlichen kleine Länderflaggen in den Händen halten.
  • Advising for international jobs and internships
  • Assistance in searching and finding internships
  • Workshops and trainings tailored to international students' needs

Individual Counselling & Contact

To schedule a counselling appointment, just email, WhatsApp.

Please send us your application documents and specific job posting, if you need advice.

Das Bild zeigt einen QR-Code.
Amrit Biswal, Master Software Engineering
I haven't got over this weekend yet as part of me had not boarded that bus back home. "Never have I ever" - met so many amazing people together at one place. Learned a lot, not just from the sessions but from each one of the participants. Everyone has something to offer and had equal desire to make their time worth a while. Couldn't ask for more. From beginning to end it was super eventful and flawless. So once again thank you everyone for making the weekend a huge success & cherishable for me.
Amrit Biswal, Master Software Engineering

Further Career Support

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die vor ihrem Laptop sitzt. Sie streckt die Arme in die Luft und scheint sich zu freuen.

Career Service

The Career Service of the Heilbronn University offers help and information about starting a career after studying. For example, you can find a wide range of jobs, work placements, trainee positions and final thesis on our Job Portal. For personal advice you can get consultancy be the professional career advisors from the Agentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency). Many seminars and workshops are designed to meet your unique concerns as international students on career, job and internship search process.

Eine junge Studentin lässt sich im Mentoringprogramm WoMent beraten.

WoMent - Mentoring for female students

WoMent is an individual career support programme for female students and female Ph.D. students of the Heilbronn University. In a tandem partnership with a professionally experienced mentor the mentee is being supported in her professional and personal development. The benefits of WoMent² include getting to know the inside of a company, finding out about the every-day life of an executive, and learning about the unwritten rules of leadership.

Auf dem Bils steht "Startklar. Mit dem gründerzentrum der Hochschule Heilbronn"

Start-up Center STARTKLAR

STARTKLAR supports students who are interested in founding a company and actively shape the future. Regardless of whether you have already found your idea or just need some initial information: we are THE contact for all questions regarding entrepreneurship and start-up culture at HHN.