Services for International students

Looking for a job in Germany

Our Offers

We'll help to understand the local job market and support in the application process. No matter whether internship, part-time job or career entry after your studies.

A special offer for Engineering/Informatics graduates from international universities is ProfiPlus in which we support your onboarding with additional training and qualification.

International Career Service in ILIAS

The International Career Service is also represented with a group in ILIAS. Here you can find further information, worksheets and links on the topic of application and internship.

We support our international students in writing a convincing application portfolio. No matter if spelling, grammar, structure or German application standards.

Whether internships, practical semesters, student jobs or positions for graduates. We will be happy to advise you with general information and support in your job search.

Would you like to talk about your current application process? Do you have a question about an interview, would you like to take the opportunity to practice an interview with someone?

International students can contact the International Career Service with a personal request.

With MeetBUSINESS, Meet IT, Meet ING, Kompass and vitamin B, Heilbronn University offers a considerable number of company contact fairs. And they all pursue a common goal: to bring our students in contact with regional companies.

We not only inform you about upcoming dates and fairs. We also invite our international students to participate in these fairs with us.

Maybe you will find your internship or future employer there. So keep yourself up to date.

Whether job interviews, online interviews or trade fairs: a confident and self-assured appearance can be important for your own professional success. We want to support our international students in positioning themselves in the best possible way.

What can I do?
What do I want?
What (professional) opportunities do I see?

Do you keep asking yourself these questions? Are you in your final year of study?
We are happy to offer you individual career coaching to clarify these questions. Our career coaches will support you in clarifying questions concerning your career entry.

We are connected with numerous institutions in the Heilbronn/Hohenlohe region. The university's own offers are extended and supplemented by a wide range of events.

On our pages you will always find current event information. It's worth taking a look!

The International Career Service organises the „International Career Weekend“.

Whether for an internship or a career start: the application is both a prerequisite and a cornerstone. However, depending on the culture, the presentation of a successful portfolio is often different. Thus, international students often apply in the way they are familiar with from their home countries. The result: many applicants fail because of cultural differences and not because of their competences.

To break through this, HHN runs the International Career Service (ICS). The support offered is diverse with the recent "International Career Weekend" being the latest added offer. Head Miriam Borgert explains: “This offer is a completely new concept. Through several workshops and voluntary discussion rounds, students receive tips, advice and information on how the application process works in Germany.“

In the first round, 15 internationals benefited from this offer. “The students learned how to present themselves convincingly with their application portfolio and what it takes to stay confident and calm during a job interview.“

Das Bild zeigt mehrere Teilnehmer*innen des International Career Weekend.

Current Events

Das Bild zeigt einen Lebenslauf

International Career Service // Online Workshop "Your Job Application in Germany: CV and Cover Letter for International Students"

Would you like to apply for a job in Germany? Then sign up for this online workshop for international students!
to event
A young woman is holding a presentation

International Career Service // Workshop "Presentation Skills in Business Settings"

Would you like to improve your presentation skills in a business context? Find out more about this face-to-face workshop in English!
to event
Das Bild zeigt Personalleiter Damir Baric.

International Career Service / "Career Talk with HR Director Mr. Baric"

​What do HR managers and recruiters look for ​in an application and a candidate? Find out more about this face-to-face career talk with ​Mr. ​Damir Baric (Börsig GmbH)!
to event

Individual Counselling & Contact

To schedule a counselling appointment, contact us via e-mail, telephone or Whatsapp.

Please send us your application documents and specific job posting, if you need advice.

Das Bild zeigt einen QR-Code.

The International Career Service is part of the project INVEST-PRO³. It is funded by the DAAD as part of the UAS.International programme initiative and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Das bIld zeigt das Logo des DAAD. Auf der linken Seite befindet sich ein blauer Kreis in dem mit weißer Schrift DAAD geschrieben steht. Recht davon steht der Begriff ausgeschrieben.