DAAD Graduation Scholarships

International students have the opportunity to apply for degree completion grants within the so-called STIBET programme, which is funded by the Foreign Office and provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Das bIld zeigt das Logo des DAAD. Auf der linken Seite befindet sich ein blauer Kreis in dem mit weißer Schrift DAAD geschrieben steht. Recht davon steht der Begriff ausgeschrieben.


Eligible to apply are students that have been awarded good grades and can be expected to complete their studies within one year. The grant is also meant to support international students - who without their own doing are experiencing financial difficulties - in successfully completing their course of study, making it possible for them to focus on their final exams and thesis.

Grant period

The degree completion grant can be awarded for a duration of no more than six months (extract from DAAD guidelines).

Selection process

Grant recipients will be selected by a Heilbronn University commission.

There are 3 application deadlines per year: April 1st, July 1st and October 1st.

The applicants are informed within approx. one month of the commission's decision via e-mail.

Eligibility requirements

  • Eligible are international students who are enrolled in and will complete a regular course of study at Heilbronn University.
  • The applicant is expected to complete the course of study within one year.
  • The applicant has a monthly income of less than the minimum amount required for living expenses according to alien law.
  • The applicant must hand in her/his complete application documents personally at the International Office, to Hannelore Lang (S 2.20 / Bildungscampus) or Gudrun Heller (S 2.30 / Bildungscampus).

The application documents must be complete, providing all necessary information, including a complete series of bank statements – all incoming payments must be either comprehensible or explained by the applicant.

Application documents

  • Current assessment of a supervising professor regarding the student's course of study and expected time of completion, a copy of registration for the final thesis (Bachelor's or Master's), if available
  • Tabular CV
  • Current grade reports
  • Current certificate of enrolment
  • Information on current financial situation and expenses
  • A complete series of bank statement of the last 3 months (if requested also of the last 6 months)
  • Complete list of all further bank and savings accounts
  • Proof of other sources of income (employment contract, pay slip, accommodation allowance, child benefits, scholarships)
  • If married, proof of financial situation of spouse (income, accounts, savings accounts)
  • Copy of rental agreement

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