Research Profile

Heilbronn University is characterized by knowledge-based and practice-oriented research that is closely interlinked with the requirements of industry and society. Our focus is on innovative solutions for current and future challenges in the profile areas of mobility, information technologies and production and manufacturing processes.

We offer a broad spectrum of research expertise, which is bundled in our key research areas Automotive & Mobility, Digital Living Environments & Health and Materials Processing & Engineering. Our researchers and research institutes work closely with companies, institutions and other universities to conduct joint research on forward-looking topics.

Research Focuses

Konstruktionszeichnung Auto auf schwarzem Hintergrund

Automotive & Mobility

Heilbronn University is researching alternative propulsion technologies, automated and connected driving and sustainable concepts for the future of the automotive industry.

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Forscher im LAbor in weißem Kittel am PC

Digital Living Environments & Health 

In this focus, we develop digital solutions for well-being, medical applications and social issues at Heilbronn University.

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Materials Processing & Engineering

This research focus concentrates on the development and optimization of production and manufacturing processes as well as research into generative materials and materials of the future.

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Research Institutes

The DIUPP is concerned with the research and application of forecasting models in companies.

The GECKO Institute conducts research and development at the interface of medicine, economics and computer science.

H-InfaM carries out market research projects and advises companies on marketing and corporate management issues.

The HIM is a research and transfer institute between Heilbronn University and companies and institutions in the region.

The ICPS focuses on the research and development of intelligent systems that connect the physical and digital worlds.

The IDA researches and develops in the field of digitalization, electric drives and sensor technology.

The IFU researches and advises on issues of corporate law, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The IKM concentrates on research and development in the field of automotive engineering and mechatronics, with a focus on innovative propulsion systems and automotive technologies.

The INVL researches sustainable solutions for transport and logistics with the aim of developing environmentally friendly and efficient transportation solutions.

The LOGWERT Institute specializes in the optimization of logistics processes and the development of innovative logistics solutions for companies.

The IRiT deals with the legal aspects of innovative technologies, in particular with regard to data protection, copyright and patent law.

ISAPS is engaged in research into flow processes in porous materials that are produced using additive manufacturing processes. Research focuses on areas such as filtration, energy generation and medical applications.

ISM conducts research in the field of fast mechatronics and specializes in the areas of energy conversion, propulsion technology and sensor technology.

The ITTH combines HUAS research in the field of tourism, travel and hospitality, serves as a contact point for the tourism industry for research inquiries and promotes the exchange between science and practitioners.

The IWI combines expertise in application domains, methods and technologies with a socio-technical perspective on digitalization, views organizations as human-task-technology systems and develops innovative theories with partners using a broad spectrum of research methods.

The Orient Institute for Intercultural Studies (OIS) was founded in 2006 and has since been conducting research in the field of interculturality and intercultural communication with a focus on the MENA region, in particular Arab-Islamic countries, in close cooperation with the IBIS and IBIM degree programs.

The Institute of Polymer Technology (PIK) conducts research into additive manufacturing and the development of new methods for the dynamic and rapid cyclical temperature control of injection molds.

Research Centres

Heilbronn University has founded iAI, an interdisciplinary center for artificial intelligence, to make it easier for SMEs in the region to get started with AI technology. Through practical research and development, obstacles to the introduction of AI in production processes shall be removed.

The Werkstoffzentrum develops innovative material solutions in close cooperation with industry. It combines in-depth knowledge with state-of-the-art equipment and offers a competent partner.

The Zentrum für Umformtechnik und Karosseriebau is an intersection between research and teaching. Students deal with current challenges in forming technology through practical projects. At the same time, the center carries out challenging research projects to strengthen the competitiveness of German industry.

The ZML is an interdisciplinary research center at Heilbronn University. Founded in 2017, the ZML bundles the expertise of various departments and is dedicated to the research and application of machine learning methods. With its AI lab, the ZML has a modern infrastructure for practical research projects.

Research Laboratories

The Lab für Sozioinformatik is an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on the design of technologies that are tailored to the needs and abilities of users. Close collaboration between psychologists, designers and computer scientists results in innovative solutions that improve the interaction between humans and computers.

The Labor für Kolbenmaschinen is an intersection between research and teaching. Students deal with the fundamentals of motor energy conversion processes in practical experiments. At the same time, the laboratory carries out challenging research projects to advance the development of sustainable propulsion systems.

The Labor für Technische Optik is an institution for research and teaching in the field of optical technologies. With a focus on optical sensor technology, radar sensor technology and the intelligent evaluation of sensor data using machine learning, it develops innovative solutions for a wide range of applications.

The Otto-Rettenmaier-Forschungslabor is Heilbronn University's Industry 4.0 laboratory. As a showcase for cutting-edge technologies in the fields of robotics, automation and Industry 4.0, it offers students and researchers an inspiring environment.

The Prüfstand für elektrifizierte Antriebe at the TechCampus offers a state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure for the development and testing of electric propulsion systems. Both complete traction drives and individual components can be tested under realistic conditions.

The UniTyLab is an interdisciplinary research laboratory that develops new interaction concepts and adapts them to existing and new areas of applications. Its aim is to develop more intuitive and efficient interaction between humans and computers.