Research Focus Automotive & Mobility

Leading the research focus of Automotive and Mobility, the Institute for Automotive Engineering and Mechatronics (IKM) is an interdisciplinary research institute in which currently 37 professors with various technical disciplines pool their expertise in interdisciplinary collaboration. Research topics include:

  • Energy efficiency and electric mobility
  • Intelligent transport processes
  • Autonomous driving, traffic flow optimisation and safety
  • Model-based development and simulation of vehicle systems
  • Generational mobility and human-vehicle interaction

Research Professorships

Research Professor for the Future and Technology of Tourism

  •     Scenarios and development perspectives for the leisure and business tourism of the future (e.g. smart tourism, tourism training of the future, new work in tourism).
  •     Technologies and technology development of service providers, travel agents and travel technology providers
  •     Technology and innovation management in tourism

"Today's tourism is unthinkable without the support of technology. It is crucial for the development of tourism to examine new technologies and technological trends in order to derive clear recommendations for the tourism of tomorrow."

Research Professor Electromobile Systems

  •      Promotion of electromobility
  •      Establishment of processes for research-oriented learning in electromobility
  •      Interlocking university activities on electromobility with society

"HUAS conducts research into electromobility in a network with stakeholders in the region. That is our goal."

Research Professor for Logistical System Planning and Simulation

  •     Material flow planning in factories and logistics systems
  •     Simulation for the optimization and validation of logistics in industry and trade
  •     Development of maintenance strategies in intralogistics

"Logistics, especially its sub-sector of intralogistics, is characterized by the increasing automation of investment-intensive means of transport and storage. In the context of Industry 4.0, simple material flow elements (automated guided vehicles, shuttles, cranes, etc.) are becoming complex systems due to parallel processes and smart, adaptive algorithms. The validation of such systems and their control systems, taking into account many internal and external factors, is essential before investments are made. The aim of this research professorship is to contribute to the development and validation of control and maintenance strategies for complex logistics systems."

Research Professor for Sustainable Development in Bicycle Mobility and Tourism

  •     Sustainability management and controlling
  •     Sustainable and digital management
  •     (Reconciliation of) Sustainable and digital management

"With the model of the research professorship at universities of applied research, HUAS is laying an important foundation stone throughout Germany with the educational campus to combine the requirements of science (academic rigor) and practice (practical relevance), which are essential for successful research."

Research Professor for Artificial Intelligence

  •     Development of AI-based methods for machine perception
  •     Environment interpretation for automated vehicles using different sensor classes
  •     Detection of anomalies in production processes

"Artificial intelligence is not coming - it's already here. Let's shape it so that we can make the best use of this technology for us humans!"

Research Professor for Tourism Policy and Development

  •     Social and political relevance of tourism
  •     Regional tourism development
  •     Networking tourism and mobility

"Tourism in all its forms makes a significant economic and social contribution that is often not recognized in the public debate. I would like to take this significance into account, particularly in a regional context, with socially and scientifically relevant research and thus support the development of tourism."

Research Professor for Hydrogen Propulsion

  •     Use of hydrogen as an engine fuel
  •     Operating behavior of hydrogen engines and fuel cells
  •     Optimization of engine designs with regard to the use of alternative fuels

"CO2 emissions must be drastically reduced, in all areas and most importantly, quickly. I am firmly convinced that we will decarbonize the transport sector quickly and economically with hydrogen and the energy carriers produced from it. It's great to be able to play a part in this major challenge!"

Research Professor for Autonomous Systems

  •     Probabilistic and AI-based sensor data fusion and learning methods
  •     Sensory perception and situational understanding
  •     Prediction and planning methods - in day-to-day environments

"Research is the ignition spark for innovation and thus the key to social prosperity in our high-tech region"

Current Research

Institutes, Centers and Laboratories