Partner universities Faculty Engineering and Business

The Faculty of Engineering and Business maintains contacts with 66 partner universities in 31 countries worlwide. Here you can find information about contact persons and the degree programmes for which an agreement for a semester abroad is available.

44ERASMUS+ partner in Europe
22Partner worldwide

Partner Erasmus+

FH Burgenland

Degree Programmes: BS

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schloeder

logo Burgenland- PHS Fakultät TW

MCI Innsbruck

Degree Programmes: BS

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schloeder

logo MCI- PHS Fakultät TW

IMC Fachhochschule Krems

Degree Programmes: MBM, BS

Contact person : Prof. Dr. Joachim Link (MBM), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schloeder (BS)

logo IMC Krems- PHS Fakultät TW

FH Kufstein Tirol

Degree Programmes : BK, WI, WEM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold (BK), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Laqua (WEM), Prof. Dr. Rainald Kasprik (WI)

FH Oberösterreich

Degree Programmes: WI, WEM, AE/ET, Campus Wels

Contact person : Prof. Dr. Rainald Kasprik 

Logo FH Oberösterreich- PHS Fakultät TW

International Business Academy

Degree programmes: BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo IBA

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BK, MBK *Sports Management

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Logo Haaga-Helia

JAMK University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BK - Sport Management

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Louise Bielzer

Logo Jamk

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BK, MBK, BS, MBM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold (BK, MBK), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schloeder (BS)

Logo Kajaanin

Lahti University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BM, MBM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BK

*Exchange available only in Summer Semester; arrival by the end of January at the latest.

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Raphaela Henze

Logo Metropolia

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BM, MBM

*Masters programme is part-time.

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link


Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Degree programmes: BM, Campus de Saint-Denis

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Sorbonne Paris Nord

University of West Attica

Degree Programmes: WI- Campus of Acient Olive Grove

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Rainald Kasprik

Logo West Attica- PHS Fakultät TW

Dundalk Institute of Technology

Degree programmes: BK, WI

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold (BK), Prof Dr. Rainald Kasprik (WI)

Logo Dundalk

South East Technological University (SETU) 

Degree Programmes: BM, WEM  - SETU Carlow

*Exchange only possible in winter term.

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link (BM), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Laqua (EM)

Logo SETU- PHS Fakultät TW

Tralee -Munster Technological University (vormals ITTralee)

Degree Programmes: WEM, BM, MBM

Campus Kerry (WEM), Campus Cork (BWL)

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Laqua (WEM), Prof. Dr. Joachim Link (BM, MBM)

Logo MTU -PHS Fakultät TW

University of Limerick

Degree Programme: WEM

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Laqua

Logo Limerick-PHS Fakultät TW

Technological University of the Shanon

Degree Programme: WEM, BM - Moylish Park Campus in Limerick

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Laqua (WEM) Prof. Dr. Joachim Link (BM)

Logo TUS - PHS Fakultät TW

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Degree programmes: BK, MBK, BM, MBM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Louise Bielzer (BK, MBK), Prof. Dr. Joachim Link (BM, MBM)

Logo Unicatt IT

Università degli Studi di Siena

Degree programmes: BK, BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Axel Birk

Logo Siena

University of Latvia

Degree programmes: BK, MBK, BM, MBM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Logo Latvia Univ.

Liepaja University

Degree programmes: BK

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Logo Liepaja

BA School of Business and Finance

Degree programmes: BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Baschool of Business andf Finance

Breda University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BK, BM

*Exchange for one year, due to its trimester curriculum.

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Logo Breda Univ.

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BM

*Exchange available only in Summer Semester (February-July).

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Hague

Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Degree programmes: BK *Sports Management, WI

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold (BK), Prof. Dr. Rainald Kasprik (WI)

Logo Groningen

Universidad Europea Valencia

Degree prgrammes: BM, MBM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Univ. Valencia

Universidad del País Vasco

Degree programmes: WI, WEM

Contact person: Miriam Münch

Logo Univ. Pais Vasco

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Degree programmes: WI, WEM

Contact person: Miriam Münch

Logo Spain Rey Juan Carlos

Karlstads Universitet

Degree programmes: BM, MBM

Double Degree MBM 

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Karlstads Univ.

Mälardalen University

Degree programmes: BM, MBM

School of Business, Society and Engineering

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Mälardalen Univ.

Örebro Universitet

Degree programmes: BK, BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold (BK), Prof. Dr. Joachim Link (BM)

Logo Örebro Univ.

Haliç Üniversitesi

Degree programmes: BK, MBK

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Logo Halic Univ.

Yaşar Üniversitesi

Degree programmes: WI, WEM

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Ibrahim

Logo Yasar Univ.

Partner worldwide (non-Erasmus+)

Federal University of Pernambuco

Degree programmes: BM

*English courses offered only during summer semester.

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo University Pernambuco

Camosun College

Degree Programmes: BM, BK

Contact person:  Prof. Dr. Simona Gentile-Lüdecke

Logo Camosun - PHS Fakultät TW

Lingnan University

Degree programmes: BK

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Louise Bielzer

Hong Kong Logo

Shanghai Normal University

Degree programmes: AE, WEM, ET, WI

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Krug

China Logo 3

Shenzhen Technology University

Degree programmes: AE, ET, WI

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Simona Gentile-Lüdecke

China Logo 2

Universidad del Istmo

Degree programmes: BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Guatemala Uni Istmo Logo

University of Tarumanagara

Degree programmes: BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Lothar Nadler

Indonesia Logo

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Degree Programmes: WI

Double Degree possible

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Rainald Kasprik

Logo Tec- PHS Fakultät TW

Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Degree Programmes: WI

Contact personr: Miriam Münch

Benue State University

Degree programmes: BK

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Raphaela Henze

benua state university logo

Universidad del Cono Sur de las Américas

Degree programmes: AE, ET/MEE

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Alexander Jesser

Logo UCSA - PHS Fakultät TW

Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Degree programmes: AE, ET/MEE

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Alexander Jesser

Logo UNA - PHS Fakultät TW

Universidad Paraguayo Alemana

Degree programmes: AE, ET/MEE, WI

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Alexander Jesser

UPA Logo

Woosong University

Degree programmes: BM

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Joachim Link

Logo Woosong University South Korea

Fachhochschule Graubünden

Degree Programmes: BK, MBK

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Northumbria University

Degree Programmes: WI, WEM

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Ibrahim

Logo Northumbria Univ.

Manhattan Institute of Management

Degree programmes: BK

Tution fees required!

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bezold

Logo MIM- PHS Fakultät TW

British University Vietnam

Degree programmes: BK

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Louise Bielzer

Vietnam Logo