MMA Titel

The Master of Mechanical Engineering is an engineering science degree programme for one of the largest industrial sectors and employers in Germany. It forms the core of the capital goods industry and is a supplier of innovative solutions for all sectors. Due to their interdisciplinary training, graduates are capable of developing components, sub-assemblies and machines themselves or to manage their overall development. Characteristic of the very multi-layered development processes is the use of modern design and calculation methods. The programme is technically intensive and thematically diverse! The range of elective courses is impressive. Here you are able to continue your education according to your needs.

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Degree: Master of Engineering
3 Semester: 90 ECTS
Language: German
Location: Heilbronn TechCampus
Study form: Full-time
Start: Summer semester & Winter semester
Deadline: March 10 & September 23
The Focus Research can also be studied in English!

Career Opportunities

After completing your studies, you can expect excellent career and job prospects. With the degree Master of Mechanical Engineering you are well prepared to solve current and future development problems of a regionally and globally active industry. The pathway to a Phd is also open to you.

Programme Structure Focus Engineering

Please be aware that only a selection of specialised and elective subjects is available in English, as the main language of this study course is German. 
  • Product- and Quality Management
  • Selected Topics Math 1
  • Selected Topics Math 2
  • Project work (duration 2 semesters)

In addition to the compulsory courses (see above), in the first two semesters you will choose your specialised subject from the range of specialisations.

  • Materials Processing & Engineering (MPE)
  • Selected topics in production engineering
  • Selected topics in materials processing and engineering
  • Fibre composite materials
  • FEM simulation of forming production processes
  • Industrial processes in materials engineering
  • Lightweight car body engineering
  • Special materials
  • Welding
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Exhaust treatment
  • Advanced computational fluid dynamics
  • Selected topics in internal combustion engines
  • FEM component optimisation
  • Advanced transmission engineering
  • Virtual product development
  • Heat transmission     

The wide range of elective subjects (see study and examination regulations) and the option to take elective subjects of other faculties or universities (including from abroad) will provide you with a well-rounded professional profile.

You will be able to practically apply this knowledge in your project work module. Small teams of students tackle work on specific tasks from industry. The tasks can be of a constructive, experimental or theoretical nature.

  • Leadership and Communication
  • Design of Experiments
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Project work (duration 2 semesters) 

In addition to the compulsory courses (see above), in the first two semesters you will choose your specialised subject from the range of specialisations. 

  • Materials Processing & Engineering (MPE)
  • Selected topics in production engineering
  • Selected topics in materials processing and engineering
  • Fibre composite materials
  • FEM simulation of forming production processes
  • Industrial processes in materials engineering
  • Lightweight car body engineering
  • Special materials
  • Welding     
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Exhaust treatment
  • Advanced computational fluid dynamics
  • Selected topics in internal combustion engines
  • FEM component optimisation
  • Advanced transmission engineering
  • Virtual product development
  • Heat transmission   

The wide range of elective subjects (see study and examination regulations) and the option to take elective subjects of other faculties or universities (including from abroad) will provide you with a well-rounded professional profile. 

You will be able to practically apply this knowledge in your project work module. Small teams of students tackle work on specific tasks from industry. The tasks can be of a constructive, experimental or theoretical nature.

Master’s thesis with colloquium
You will undertake this either in a laboratory of Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences or in collaboration with industry.

Do you have a technical business concept that you would like to pursue and further develop? We will support you with the technical expertise and equipment of our faculty and and the necessary business skills. These can include the development of a business model, business plan and innovation management of the degree programme Master Entrepreneurship. You will thus receive support for your own projects and ideas from teachers from Engineering, Business Administration and IT. 

Would you like to work on an interesting and innovative Research Project and publish your findings? The Focus Research can be studied in English!  

We offer the possibility to do a double degree together with the UTHM in Malaysia within the framework of a Research Master. You will study the first semester in Heilbronn and spend the two following semesters (research project and master thesis) in Batu Bahat at UTHM. After successful completion of your studies, you will then have both the German and the Malaysian Master. For further information, please get in touch with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Gleiter ( 

Admission Requirements and Selection Procedure

Before applying to Heilbronn University, non-German Bachelor degrees need to be declared equivalent to a German first degree. Therefore, please also hand in the filled in "Application for recognition of an international certificate" below.

Please note: Requirement for admission is also a grade 2.5 or better (German grading scale) in the Bachelor degree.

The entry requirements in German also apply to the Incomings (Erasmus+, Global, Freemover). However, we also offer and recommend appr. 30 ECTS lectures in English language that you can attend.