Campus Künzelsau - Reinhold-Würth-University

The university - multifaceted and with a practical orientation

The Reinhold-Würth-Hochschule campus in Künzelsau houses the Faculty of Engineering and Business. About 1,500 students are enrolled in a total of ten practice-oriented bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. The close connection with partners from industry, business and public and third sector institutions makes studying on the Künzelsau Campus an excellent choice.

The campus - strongly positioned and state-of-the-art

The Künzelsau campus was established in 1988 as an additional location of the current Heilbronn University. Since 2005, it has been supported by the “Foundation for the Promotion of the Reinhold-Würth-Hochschule of Heilbronn University in Künzelsau”. In appreciation of the entrepreneur Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, the campus also bears the name “Reinhold-Würth-Hochschule”.

The campus is distinguished by the excellent equipment of its buildings, its location right on the Kocher river, as well as all campus facilities within easy reach. In 2019, the growing campus was expanded with a new teaching building and a new research institute, both equipped with state-of-the-art technology. In addition, the planned student residence will further improve infrastructure for students.

Studying on the Künzelsau campus - collaboratively and individually

The Künzelsau campus is characterised by a friendly and personal atmosphere among students, faculty and staff. Whether engineering or business degree, classic full-time study or practice-oriented dual study models, students can fully develop their individual potential on the Künzelsau campus. Exceptionally well-connected internationally, students are offered a wide range of opportunities for a study semester or internship abroad.

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Discover the campus in Künzelsau virtually:

The region - lively and liveable

Künzelsau is located in the heart of the Hohenlohe region in north-east Baden-Württemberg, about 40 kilometres east of Heilbronn. The small town located in the charming Kocher Valley has more than 15,000 inhabitants.

The Heilbronn-Franken region is home to numerous medium-sized and large companies operating successfully worldwide. Over the last few years, the Hohenlohe district has developed into an attractive and important “region of global market leaders” and offers graduates outstanding career opportunities.

The flourishing city of Künzelsau and the landscape of the Hohenlohe region invite you to entertaining events of all kinds as well as varied nature adventures. A visit to a cultural event at the Carmen Würth Forum, a sporty cycling tour through the Kocher or the Jagst Valley, participation in popular festivals, which are often organised by students in a professional manner - these are only a few of the various attractive leisure activities the region has to offer.

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Studying in Künzelsau? For sure!
Just have a look at our Campus video.

Study programmes at Campus Künzelsau


Automatisierungstechnik und Elektro-Maschinenbau (B.Sc.)

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Betriebswirtschaft und Sozialmanagement (B.A.)

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Studentin mit Schutzbrille hält Platine.

Elektrotechnik (B.Sc.)

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Betriebswirtschaft und Kultur-, Freizeit-, Sportmanagement (B.A.)

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Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen-Energiemanagement (B.Eng.)

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Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (B.Eng.)

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Betriebswirtschaft, Marketing- und Medienmanagement (B.A.)

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International Marketing and Communication (M.A.)

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Studierende am PC

Betriebswirtschaft und Kultur-, Freizeit- und Sportmanagement (M.A.)

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Elektrotechnik (M.Sc.)

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